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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Zac chuckled a bit. 'Could you kindly explain as to how you managed to loot my body within the period of an hour when my supposed comrades were fighting a daemon and then setting sail from a relatively unknown island, not to mention knowing where my body is and how you knew I was a summoner enough to loot me in the first place?'

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Zac just laughed again. 'I was bored and egging you on, it's sad really. You feel utterly useless when you're just a spirit, but, I need to be here, so I can't be released yet. Besides, you may have killed me, but that DOES NOT give you the right to sell my glyphs. Really, they now belong to Eliseal here as she is in possession of me, and if you wish to fight again for them, I'm all for it. Clean though, no cheap shots this time'.

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Eliseal just stands there, really not wanting to fight this hugely powered man. "No, really...if he wants them he can have them..." Eliseal said, surprising Zac a little bit, enough to keep him quiet for a moment. "It's not that I'm disgracing there name but, I promised someone that I would only use the summons I had been brought up with." Eliseal blushed at the thought of this person and looked toward the ground.

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Balthazar laughed as he walked closer to Eliseal. Once he was close enough he stretched his arm out and touched her chin gently.


to Eliseal: That was a smart choice you just made. You'd be quickly slaughtered if you opposed me.


Balthazar pushed Eliseal's chin away and he began to walk away


to Zac: As for your glyph's you lost ownership when you yourself became a glyph.

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Eliseal just sat there on the ground, not really knowing what to say or how to act, she just sat there for about ten minutes. She got her head together, enough to speak to Zac at least. "I...I'm sorry. I'm just not...I'm not strong enough to beat him." Eliseal said remorseful of her previous act and she stood up, put the glyph containing Zac in Grim's hand, and then ran off across the destroyed ruins of the town. "I'm sorry, but this group is not who I should go with..." She said finally as she vanished in the distance of the foggy day.

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Zac looked as the girl ran and growled. 'She was too weak to use me, my power would've broken her mind. As for you Balthy, those glyphs are mine by right of the Summoner's Creed, stating that a glyph is the rightful property of it's summoned until he or she has passed on or passes them on to another, I'm haven't passed on, therefore, they're mine by right, as, I am still a summoner. However, since I am unable to claim the glyphs, I, Zacaria Felmoon, do hereby pass my glyphs on to the Wraith Grim, and what he does of them is his will.'

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Zac turns to him. 'I don't care, release them if you want, but I will NOT let this vile creature smudge the memory of the Blac- My old friends, who died at the hands of a daemon. I would not forgive myself if their glyphs and my own would be lost to a daemon, no matter what he once was'.

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Zac merely grinned as his glyph glew and the crack resealed itself. 'What's wrong ickle daemon? Is naughty Zaccy hurting you with the truth? Can't your poor broken heart take it' he mocked in a baby voice, then he turned serious. 'You don't understand daemon, all your kind is good for is destroying things and then your cast away. My affinity is holy, therefore, I cannot be harmed by daemons and darkness. Tell me Balthazar, how long have you been in our world.

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