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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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"Correct, but as you can plainly see I'm not a High Summoner, or I would've done that myself..." Eliseal said as she sighed and looked depressed. "The High Summoner was said to be the only one who could oppose the emperor, but as you already know we cannot locate him at this time." Eliseal said, and went to tend to more men that were lying on the port side of town.



ooc: Sending Yes, Passing Point No

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ooc: All, remember my past username >=), I even have the original ones


Eliseal frowned as she kept working on the bodies. "He has passed on hasn't he..." Eliseal said out of nowhere but didn't move he eyes from her work, or stopped working. "Somewhere in my heart I always knew...but I guess...I guess I didn't want to come to terms, you know?" Eliseal said, finishing the last body healing and standing up. "They should all be fine now." Eliseal looked down toward the ground.

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"It's fine...tell me though...did you send a man name Jisan Umel lately?" Eliseal asked cowardly and scared. "I need to know this, so if you have. Please, tell me." Eliseal looked up at Grim and waited respectively for an answer, it was never in her nature to "demand" answers from anyone, especially a stranger she had never even known of.

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Zacaria had returned to his glyph after the damage and was slowly working on restoring it. When in Corenth, he had found someone talking to Grim, by the power she raiated, she was a summoner. 'She should be able to see me' he thought. 'Hey, you, summoner lady! Can you hear and see me?' he called.

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Zacaria sighed from his little world. 'Okay lady, let me explain. I. AM. DEAD. Before I was a summon, I was a summoner. Thus, can call myself if I have a source of energy to power me. You see, I turned myself into a summon after i gave up my own life to try and stop the daemon these guys are with. I am as an ignoramous would say a holy type summon. And, despite the fact that I was left beind in Corinth, I would gladly go with you. I don't want to spend the rest of my unlife being stuck in a shop or something'.

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"So basically. You tried to stop a demon on your own with no help whatsoever? Meaning that you being a summon was your own fault and no one else'?" Eliseal said as she walked back over to the Wraith she had meant promptly before this encounter with Zacaria. "I just remembered that I had not introduced myself to you Wraith. My name is Eliseal Umel, and Jisan Umel was my father and was a very powerful warrior. But alas, I lost him so many years ago." Eliseal explained as she held the glyph up to the Wraith. "Oh, and I guess this is Zararia I suppose." She said as she tucked the glyph in her side pack..

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Zacaria whispered into her ear. 'He knows me, I tried to stop the dameon by dieing to give him a chance to fight back. I tried unorthodox tactics before I decided to do what I had to, you see. The daemon is extremely powerful, I managed to cheap shot him before, unfortunatly, my power is limited to my sources power, so, if you're strong, I am strong, if you're weak, I am weak. You probably know this as a summoner of course. Also, Grim is a great man, I've only known him for a short while bu- Oh wait, Eliseal, I need you to go back tot e island to reclaim my body, there are certain artifacts that I possessed which I don't want falling into anothers hands. Possibly, some of my glyphs might still be active, lucky you.'

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"Impossible." Eliseal stated to the last thing Zacaria said. "When a summoner dies, as does his or her summons. That's a rule that all should know, but it remains forgotten by so many." Eliseal explained as he looked over to Grim. "Say...Grim...what are we to do about this war?" Eliseal said to Grim, and again waited patiently.

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Zacaria chuckled. 'I'm not one hundred percent dead. You must be an amateur. When a summoner's spirit leaves our plane of existance, their summons are destroyed. I am still here am I not? I am still capable of speech. Even from this little glyph world, I still exist in this plane of existance. Therefore, some of my glyphs might still be active'.

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ooc: Gent, did you come up with that poem on your own or did you find it somewhere?


As Eliseal was talking to Grim and Zac a chill ran down her entire frame. She saw a man walking towards her or those she was speaking to, but the mane was not like anyother man she had seen before; he was cold, heartless and cruel- all this she could tell by how he looked down upon the weak and dying with complete disguste. As he walked she noticed that his hands were full of glyphs and other assorted objects that a summoner would own.

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Zacaria shivred as well. 'You know, I wouldn't put me somewhere to close, my glyph acts as my nerve centre, so don't put anything too, private' he said happily. Then he looked at the man. 'That man has the air of two different things. Either, hes a thief who ransacked this town spirit deposit, or, he's a black summoner'.

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