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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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OOC: I find it funny that they haven't noticed Zac's corpse


IC: Despite everything, Zacaria was watching the duo intently from his little world, it made everything seem bluish. He was frustrated at his attempts to summon. 'I don't have the energy to resummon myself, if either of them picked me up, I could siphon some energy and recall myself. Ugh, now I know how pitiful it is to be a spirit. All this power, and you're at the beck and call of whatever summoner has you in their possession' he grumbles. He walks over to Marcus and waves his hands, they go straight through him. 'Unless that causes discomfort, he's not going to answer me; AND I DON'T WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF MY DAYS ON THIS DAMNED ISLAND! SO PICK ME UP AND TAKE ME!' he yelled.

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Annoyed by their ignorance, Zac drew his blade and began to swing wildly at them both. The blade had little effect but he kept on swinging madly until he became exhausted, he sat down on the ground and looked at Marcus. 'You killed me. You killed me you bastard and you don't even know it' he panted.

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Class/job:Dark Paladin

weapon:A Dark Sythe

bio: I am a Dark Entity that was created from darkness who wonders in the depths of purity and light in search for his true meaning while helping others accomplish theirs. I am not that easily manipulated and I am hardly seen but for once I am in battle you will never see the other side of me.

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ooc[broken]: Is he a ghost now?


Marcus looks up at Grim and takes a deep breath.


to everyone: Back when the Empire was just an idea, oh . . . over 40 years ago, I was a small time mercenary with no real talent. However I had been given an assinment to assasinate the person who would become the Emperor. Needless to say I didn't succeed- and as a punishment for my failure the Emperor put a curse on me. To forever walk was a monster- an immortal demon with only a lust for blood and violence.

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Marcus nods his head and then continues to explain that after he learned what his curse was, he had travelled the world in search for a cure. He had gone to all four corners, but was only able to find ways to keep the demon within at bay. Then, with eyes shining bright, he explained that he had come across old text in the Empire's archieves about the Sacred Artifacts and their potential power.


to everyone: And with that I set out to find them all, so I can be free of my curse.

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