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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Zac was slowly passing out, but he had enough air and energy to pull out a grim looking glyph from his pocket. 'Zal....era. The....Doomed Seraph' he gasped, before passing out. Dark energy began to gather around a spot behind Zac, forming into a hooded and menacing reaper. It raised it's scythe agressively. 'Remove your hand from my master' it hissed.

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"Marcus" began to laugh like a madman. In a burst of light his arms reattached to his severed arms. He then flexed his aarms to see if they were in proper working order. He then looks at the Hooded Reaper and smiles.


to Reaper: My turn!


In a flash of speed and power "Marcus" appears behind the reaper, with his glyph in his hand. Before his opponent can react- he crushes it with his bare hands; all with an evil smile.

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Zac, breathed deeply and awoke. 'You, bastard.....do you have...an....y idea of hard it was.....for me to steal that glyph?! It took me.......4 days to plan to steal.....it..from the empire's vaults. It was the only...glyph that ever contained....the spirit of.....a Wraith. And you absorbed him'.

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"Marcus" picked Zac up by his hair and stood him up to eye level. Zac could see his eyes clearly now. They were pitch black and you could feel that they were the eyes of someone cruel and compeltely evil.


to Zac: Then it must have been a pathetically weak wraith to get trapped in that glyph. Even if it was a powerful wraith *tosses Zac to the ground* I am more powerul than any other in existance!


As "Marcus" finished saying this his eyes grew wide and he gripped his sides in pain. His face twisted and contorted in a show of pure agony.

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Zac groaned and got up. 'Things hurt in life. But, ther'es one thing i didn't mention about the Royal Seven. They were constructed by daemon hands, to stop dameon kind. Each one, but, the stones can hurt daemon kind when used as a weapon, the Sapphire didn't hurt you before because you weren't attack by it. Now, I will see if this is true' Zac said, summoning his scythe and taking the Spaphire from his pocket, he placed the Sapphire in a small clasp on the head. 'Power comes with price Marcus, absorbing Zalera, will do madness to you for a while, as your body is uaccustomed to a Wraith's power'.

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Zac turned to Tarr. 'Get back! You don't know what he is!' he ordered, he then turn his attention to Marcus again. 'Hmmm, maybe it wans't power screwing with you, is there truely another side to you daemon scum, or are you just another demented being spewed from the warp?' he asked, pointing at him with his scythe.

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Zac looks at Tarr and lowers his scythe. 'You care for him do you? I wans't going to slay him, I only wanted answers. I just found it funny that a daemon would want artifacts, more to the point is how he could wield the blessed sword when he is a being of darkness. Besides, it's not as if I can tell anyone about htis as no one would believe me and, he knows my dirty little secret, I know his' Zac explained

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