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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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The stranger continues to follow the young boy, Grim, until he is alone. He is almost spotted a couple times, but is never seen. He follows Grim throughout the day until he walks into a dark shop.


????, to himself: Perfect, now is my chance . . .


The stranger pulls from his cloak a sharp, curved dagger and hides it out of sight. He then walks into the shop.

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Then stranger whips around and points his dagger at Grim. Grim cannot see his would-be attackers face due to the dim lights and the hood which he is wearing.


to Grim: Very good, no one has ever tricked my senses before. And you most definately will be the only one.


The stranger tosses his dagger in the air, causing Grim to look, he then pulls ten knifes out of his cloak and throws them at Grim.


ooc: He threw the dagger up in the air as a distraction for those who don't get it.

ooc[Grim]: Before you begin to say he wouldn't look up . . . EVERYONE looks up when someone tosses something in the air. Seriously, toss something into the air and yell "Hey! A Distraction" . . . its funny.

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After the young boy blocks half of my throwing knifes I stand up to my full height. I can tell form the boys eyes that he did not think me to be so big and physically built. He completements my techniques then asks if I am a member of the Empires Army. Under normal circumstances I would not answer and continue the attack, trying to finish the job as quickly as possible so I can leave this hell hole. But this boy has something about him that forces me to answer his inquery. I answer with a short . . .


to Grim: No.

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ooc: I think I am going to put it as first person from now on (at least in the rpg) to add some depth. Unless I am tlaking to someone the rest will be in first person.


I laugh under my breath when the young boy says I am too good to be one of the Empire's soldiers. He correctly states that I must be a hired killer and that he is my target. I would think he possessed psychic abilities if the answer wasn't so obvious that I was hired. Once agian his mysterious power he seems to posses compells me to answer him once more.


to Grim: Yes.

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ooc: True, and this is different and lets me add more. Also lets you get into my characters head and hear his thoughts.


A hundred assassins and he still is not dead? Thinking about this I wonder how powerful this young boy must really be. To have survived ninty nine other assassins and not have a large bounty on his head is nearly impossible. yet here he stands in front of me, low bounty and claiming to have survived ninty nine assassins such as I. As I begin to think about it I assume he is lying. Either way I need the money the Emperor has offered me.


Then stranger jabs his dagger towards Grim's stomach, bent on stabbing him and ripping open his stomach.

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He pinned my arm!? Obviously this kid didn't lie when he said he survived ninty nine other assasins. There is only one thing that sets me apart from your run of the mill killer for hire. And it is that small difference that will net me my next pay check!


The stranger spins his legs around and trips Grim, who falls to the ground with a loud thud. The stranger jumps up and goes for his dagger, while pulling out his second.

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This kid is better than I gave him inital credit for. He is quick and strong, but lacks the will to harm me when nessicary. I could use this to my advantage and end the job now.


The stranger stand up and holds his last dagger with a death grip. He holds it up to his face and watches for an opening. Grim lightly shifts the weight off his right leg and the strange lunges for him. Before Grim can react the stranger has tossed the Scythe from Grim's hand and has disabled his left arm. Grim falls to the ground, holding his arm in pain.


ooc: Sorry 'bout the arm, but you drove me to it (^_^)

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I managed to get my barbed dagger into the kids arm and to knock his weapon away form him. Still, this boy is not without his suprises. He swiftly kicks me in the stomahc with more force than I expected and I fall short of breath. His left arm isn now useless, if he tries to remove the dagger it will rip the rest of his flesh off and he will bleed to death; a messy death, but I don't have to clean. He asks why I am doing this job for a low a price. I truly don't need the money, I have enough to last a couple months, I am not cold hearted . . . I believe the answer would be that I seek the thrill more than anything.


to Grim: You acctually got a large bounty on your head. And I plan on collecting.

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Meanwhile in Town Square we see several wagons selling goods, food, and initiates from around the empire.

Merchant: People of … of …

Assistant: Corenth, sir.

Ahh of course people of Corenth, i have a wonderful item on sale today. Straight from mythology it’s self.

His assistant brings out a little blond girl no older then the age of 15. she has wings formed on her arms going to her body. Feathers all over her arms lags and back, and on her hands and feet she has sharp small talons on each finger and toe.

Merchant: i give you a one of a kind Harpy pet!

Citizen 1: she not real.

Citizen 2: Ya! Those feathers are fake…

Merchant: Ohh no my friend she is cursed. Her former master made her like this with out a doubt she is a Harpy... let’s start at 50 gold.

Citizen 3: So she’s a Demon?

Merchant: Yes my good friend

Citizen 4: 51 gold!

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Zac stood in a more deserted part of the town, by an old water fountain. 'Keh, this fountain was full of life, now it exists to house algae, funny how life goes' he chuckles, idly tossing a glyph in his hand. 'Hmmmm, Zalera hasn't contacted me in a while, maybe tossing his glyph has made him cranky. Although, its not my fault he lives in a rock and- Hmmmmmm, strange, I feel an odd presence, a wraith? No, wouldn't be, but it is more worthwhile then talking about a fountain' he quibbers and walks away.

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