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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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ooc: *runs up huffing and puffing* sorry I took so long . . .


The port town of Cornth, under the control of the Empire it has turned into a fastering sore where only the worst come willingly. I am not one of those few . . . I am here to achieve my mission and nothing more. I have set out from my last location to kill a group of civilians who the Emperor believes may be trouble. Are they? Personally I don't care if they are or not . . . I just get paid to do they job, I don't care if its right or wrong. It is noon when I arrive and the heat of the day is at its peak, my hood and robes only make the heat even more unbearable, but the faster I do the job, the faster I may leave.


????, to himself: Now where are they?


ooc: Sorry its long winded. I wanted to try something new (also after writing the description I wanted to continue to long detailed writing).

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The mysterious robed figure watches from a roof top he picked earlier. He spots a group of three people, two boys and a single girl. He takes out his telescope and gets a closer look on them. Once he gets a good look at them he puts away his telescope.


????, to himself: Found you . . .


He stands up and leaps off the building, landing gently in some hay. He gets up, unharmed, and dashes after the boy who left first; all the while he is making sure not to be noticed.

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