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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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I can sense someone doubting or getting suspicious of me. I better ward off this or else blow my cover.


Marcus turns around to see Zac eyeing him. He could tell by the expresion on his face that he was the one.


to Zac: Ah! You doubt my abilities stem from white magic, yes?

Before Zac can answer Marcus' question the ship rocked with such great force that almost everyone was knocked to their knees. Marcus quickly ran to the side of the side and then turned to everyone else, delight dancing in his eyes.


to everyone: We have arrived.

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I cannot believe this! After all the trouble I went through to get close to this group I must now leave them!? The emperor will play for interferring with me. However, Ihe has offered a gracious pay for this. I can always find this group again.


Marcus crumples the paper and puts it in his pocket.


to Grim: It was a summoning for my precence at a very important event. Unfotunately I must attend and thus must take my leave. However I leave the ship to you[Grim] in my absence; take care of her.


Marcus takes out a small round ball and throws it to the ground. It explodes with some froce and a cloud of smoke bellows from it. When the cloud disappears Marcus has vanished.


ooc: And that is it for this RPG! I will see everyone when I return!

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Zac eyed at the spot 'Marcus' vanished at. 'The spirits in the glyphs bear warning to this being. Well, at least they're talking to me again, but, a strange feeling tells me he was hiding something, thats usually the cliche thing, because it was too easy' he thought as he disembarked. 'Hey Grim, do you feel any lost souls about?' he asked

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