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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Zac landed on a soft ground. "This is the burial region. This place is guard by special magic that destroyed anything trespassing. The years past it begin gaining energy so it enough to destroy even a god." Ulf continue thru the graveyard until she was by a down. "In here you will meet them. Try not to be insulting this time."

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Khemo looked down at the bottom of Marcu's foot and saw the drool slinking its way down to the floor.

"Hold still please," khemo said. he bent down and pulled a piece of flint out of his pocket. he picked a rock up frmo off of the floor and struck teh flint, sending sparks flying at teh drool. when tehy hit they made a sound like a maden crying as the drool sizled and turned green.

"Damn... fragel Umps... i hate those things..." khemo stood up and dropped the rock on the floor.

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Ulf open the door and Zac went inside. She closed the door behind him. "I will leave it up to you, brother." Zac look up and saw the Sages that he met plus 2 more. "Wow! I can't believe it actually listen to her." A young Sage jump down and landed near Zac. "This is the one that won't leave. You could totally send him flying if you want." He was look at the Sage that was talking to Zac before they left. He landed on a pillar. "Now now....we are here to see what he want." The Sage look at Zac. "Will you tell us why you are truly here?"

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Omar then slashed the first demon on the left as that demon blocked the blade by catching it yet blood start to drip from it's fingers. Omar and the demon struggled but the blade slid down the demon as the demon split in two. The demon disappeared as the second demon ran away. Omar then threw his sword as it made contact with the demon's back and the demon disappear. "Now i know this world is filled with demons or demons that are humans in disguise but it won't hurt to look around."


Omar then walked up to his blade and grabbed as he saw a mirror like wall on the cliff of a abandoned building. The mirror wall then glowed bright white as a giant white angel appeared from the mirror and landed on the ground on it's two feet. "The forgotten realm... haven't been here in ages." The white angel said walking in one direction and Omar walking the other direction.


--[spoiler=The Angel that got out of the mirror]cgowdk_2.jpg


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"Marcus, eliseal, and flu, if you're even listening, be on the look out. a fragle oomp is a very sinister creature that delites in killing otheres, if you don't already know. keep on your toes, and don't look down at any cracks or crevaces," khemo said, standing back up and turning back around.

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khemo looked over to marcus with his cry of help and his eyes widened.

"No!" khemo said, running back to marcus and putting his hand over his eyes.

"Clear your mind, make everything blank, don't even think of the darkness that your eyelids show. i want everything that you think yousaw or did see in that crevace. do you understand?" khemo asked marcus harshly.

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Khemo glared and looked at bathazar.

"I won't let you kill us all bathazar. oh yeah, i know you. don't act suprised. as far as i'm concerned, i brought marcus along and only marcus, you're just dead weight." khemo drew on of his daggers and held it down to his side he took in a deep breathe and closed his eyes. he slowly exhaled, and as he did a pressure filled the inside of the tunnel, a tremendous pressure. khemo slowly opened his eyes and said, "Tsch, you're not even worth showing." khemo turned aroound nad said, "Eliseal, tkae your pick. go with me to meet baku, or stay with bathazar here. either way, i'm gone." khemo took off running at those high speeds he had used in the ancient ruins down the tunnel, leaving the three of them behind.

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Khemo threw his arm forward and grabbed bathazar's neck.

"You do what you did back there with that crack in the wall andyou will kill us all, i don't care who you are, if you're caught down here, you're not getting out." khemo turned around ina circle, putting bath behind him and him back in front.

"I don't care who you want to meet, you get under control or you're not coming iwth me. catch up with me when you are... that is if you can find your way out of here." khemo let go of bath's throat and ran down the tunnel again.

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Khemo continued to run down the tunnel, ignoring the cry that he heard echoing down the tunnel from bathazar.


"Who are they?"

"Do we care?"

"Should we?"

"It dosnt' matter who they are, they're food. food dosnt' have a name it's food!"

"Yes.. food..."

"We have to catch them, these two who are running away from each other."

"But how?"

"Leave that to me," said an especially deep voice. every fragle oomp turned around and looked at the behemoth that they rarely saw.

"I'll make menace meat out of them all."

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