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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Zac didn't get a response and decided to find that mural again. 'No matter how you look at it, there are always a load of dickheads in the world' he grumbled as he traversed the ruins. 'I'm pretty sure this place must''ve been beautiful in its prime, such a shame it had to crumble because of those who lived in it. The inhabitants of a world always harm it, no matter what they do to prevent harm' he mused until he found it. He studied the mural, but he couldn't understand. 'How can Balth be depicted here, when he is alive in this day and age? I doubt his spirit could be sealed in an item, he is too mighty for that. I doubt he hibernated, his spirit would've decayed. How could that demon be alive after so many years' he cried.

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"Get up marcus, we need to go. havn't you ever been to lude? there's feasts eight times bigger than that! and besides, all of your crying will attract whatever made that sound, or something worse..." khemo looked at eliseal and said, "yes, we should. we're not but ten minutes away from a cave we need to go into. come on, let's get going."


*ten minutes later*


the party arrived at a very large cave mouth opening. stalactites grew down from the top of the mouth.

"right, this is Traveling Cave. it's been used for decades now, it's a tunnel that connects this half of the world with the next." khemo turned around and looked at the ground.

"we're going to be in this tunnel for the rest of the day and most of the night. by morning we'll be out. and just a fair warning, this tunnel goes under the mountain and i havn't traveled in it for some time now... i've forgotten much of what lurks in there." khemo darted his eyes to each of them one at a time with a somber look before smiling and saying, "Well, let's get going." he turned around and went inside of the cave.

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Khemo quickly turned around and threw a small knife that he had in his robes at flu, barley missing his head.

"pay attention when attention is due. i just said, the rest of the day and most of the night, got it?" khemo turned back around nad continued walking inside of hte tunnel.

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'I said for you to leave. Your kind refuses to answer my questions, so I shall do likewise. The less these two worlds interact the better. Now leave, before you are condemned to become one of my summons' he stated. 'The sages, they are sick beings if they're going to try and use a little girl against me. But I will not play into their hands, what I must do is figure out why Balth is still alive in this day and age'.

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in the cave something dark watched the group moving through from a crevice in the ceiling. it watched flu mock khemo and laughed to itself, knowing that it might have done the same. with green eyes it watched, murderous intent behind them in the thought that he and his brothers might have something new to eat for once. smiling a malicious grin with an insatiable drool hanging from it's teeth, it moved away from it's watching place, a tendrail of drool falling through and splattering on the floor as it went.


khemo stopped suddenly and turned around, looking behind the group for the dripping sound he had heard echo around the cave. he darted his eyes around the cave, knowing that there could be something watching them but hoping that it wasn't.

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Flu stop in the air. "The cave is full of bloodlust and hunger. Chula begging to come out, so that mean something here." Flu landed on the ground and pull out his staves. "I think we should light this place up."


Ulf stay there. "I not here on behalf of our people. I wanted to know how do you know the Chula. Are you aiding him in his search?" She watch as Zac said nothing. "So I figure that to get a little you must feed the hands." She walk closer to Zac. "I hardly doubt your spell can truly capture a unique on like me." She smiled at Zac. "And if you seek the item, you in the wrong place." Ulf turned around and begin to walk away.

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'I am not here for any item. I am merely here to understand what should be the impossible. The demon lord Balthazar hsould not be alive in this day, even as a spirit. His would've degraded. Whatever legendary items may be here does not concern me' Zac said. 'As for Flu, he is a vexation to me, but i put up with him because he annoys Balth'.

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khemo turned to flu and forze. seeing that he meant to light up his staff, khemo's eyes widened with fear. he drew out one of his signature daggers and flitted with amamzing speed to fluus side where he struck teh staff with his dagger and looked directly at flu.

"don't even thinka bout lighting a light in here. i've seen better men than you dissappear and more terrible things take them away because of the light..." khemo lowered his dagger and said, "Put it away, i can see and hear in teh dark well enough, we don't need a light... it's not worth fighting the things in here anyways." khemo sheathed his dagger and walked on past flu, saying quietly to the rest of them, "come on then, let's get going."

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"I wasn't referring to lighting the place." Flu pick up his staff and conjure a fireball. "I was talking about lighting this place up whereas sending a engulf wall of flames at every dark corners. I know better then to light up the caves....I have more experience than you." Flu tap Kehmo on his head while clenching the fireball. "Strike my possesions again and I will strike your very soul."


Ulf look at him. "So you not here for Chula's chest. Why didn't you state that before?" Ulf sighed. "You said Flu...why? Answer me and I will tell you a theory of the answer you seek."

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Khemo reared back around and shot his hand forwrad, sending a ball of water around the fire and doucing it.

"i knew exactly what you meant, and i meant what i said. bringing a light will only bring trouble. making great balls of fire around any corner you see movement is a sure fire way to get us all killed." khemo lowered his hand and the water evaporated.

"I don't care how old you are, what you might have done in teh past, it's obviously you've never been through here. the saying old dogs can't learn tircks is plum wrong, anyone can always learn something new, you just did. please, put those away and trust me to lead you through what i've been through several times before."

khemo turned back around and continue dto walk into the dark.

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khemo shook his head and moved on, knowing full well that flu had no idea what power he possesed... he was annoyed at flu's constant arrogance, but he knew better than to blow up and let... THAT, out, especially over something as silly as flu.

"Marcus, come here please," khemo said, not looking back.

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[spoiler=Dark Necro's Post]The 2 black figures then circled round Omar and created a portal beneath him as he sinked inside the portal into a unknown dimension.


"What is this placed?" He looked around but could not get a good look at the setting.


He walked around and saw a old man, ran up to him and patted him on the shoulder. The Old man stretched his arm and hit Omar in the jaw, sending him flying into a nearby building and crashed into it.


Omar then regain conscious. "Ouch! He can hit... hard!"


[spoiler=Dark Necro's Post #2]Omar ran up to the old man as the old man turned and Omar did not believe his eyes that it was a demon. Omar ran to the other direction but was trapped by another demon.


"Not such a good idea..." Omar said as he took out his dual blades and got ready for the big fight.


[spoiler=Dark Necro's Post #3]The demons circled around Omar and charged at the same time. Omar jumped and landed on both feet to the other side as the demons colided and fell to the ground.


"Hmm... this might not be so hard after all..." Omar said as the demons got up and charged back at him.


The demons charged at Omar as the did before as Omar jumped out the way as the demons collided into each other again. "Really? Can't you guys put up a good fight for once?" The demons, lookin at Omar with hatred, then opened their mouths as their mouths glowed in bright red and a huge blast was released from within their mouth. "Damn..." Omar said as the blast made in contact and pushed him into numerous buildings and then hit another building as it started to fall down.


Omar got up from the crash, regained his thoughts and memories, and ran to safety as the building tumbled down. "NOW I'M ANGRY!" Omar said as his dual blades formed together to make a long red and white strange looking blade called the Red Queen and rushed to the demons. "That was really uncalled for! Now..." Omar said as he grew wings like the legendary Dogma he's been hearing from stories, "I'm going to end you two once and for all!" Omar said as he charged at the demons with full force and with a mighty weapon at his possession.


--My best work but i think i can do better than this.

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