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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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ooc: ok


A little girl appear in front of Zac. She was bouncing her ball while smiling. "Are you here to play?" The little came closer to Zac and smile again. "You look just him." She stop bouncing the ball and ran thru a wall.


Flu was looking around him while still in the air. (Something admist.) Flu floating for a while until he saw Kehmo and Marcus.

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ooc: so can we see him now


The little girl turned around and smile. "Would you like to play?" The girl raise the ball and toss it at Zac. Another ball appear as a boy came from the wall. "Another one!" He grab the girl and gave Zac a hateful glare. They both ran thru the wall behind them.


Flu was standing beside Kehmo and Marcus. "Tell me I not the only one hearing that."

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ooc: Correct; you can all hear, sense, and see the figure.


The man tipped his hat, not off but just tilting it over the spot where his eyes WOULD be. He spun his cane once more while keeping his left hand on his hat as to hold it steady. He stopped and let his cane fall into it's usual standing position. "What's all the comotion for gentlemen?" The man said.

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The man spun the hat about his left index finger and the hat's rim. "So quick you are to take up arms against me gentlemen, especially with no introduction or any of the pleasures of meeting someone new." The man said, putting his cap back on and then facing the group again. "My name is Kuroppoi, and I am Lady Eliseal's soul guardian." Kuroppoi explained, twirling his cane once more...

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"A soul guardian?" Flu started to float as he was thinking. "My people hardly used that term nor appeal in using it, but you must have some relation with that girl in order to be a her guardian." Flu shifted and floated above Khemo hitting him in the head. "Did I ask for you to correct me?!?!"

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Zac had made it to the room where the fight had occured, and he looked at the large hole. He leapt down it, using his wings to slow his decent until he landed in the ruined chamber/cavern. 'It was here that Balth had absorbed the spirits of this place, but I still wonder about that crucified being. Flu called that thing his father, his own spirit might still be here' Zac considered loudly (oddly, you always talk aloud when alone). 'Any spirits, arise from your rest and answer my question, what occured here to cause this place's desolation' he shouted, his words echoing across the walls and roof.

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"Simple. Whenever Lady Eliseal can't defend herself, such as when she is sleeping or week, I appear at her side to defend her with all my soul. I'm bound to her and I care for her as best I can. Sadly she cannot call me out on a whim nor can I leave her body at all except when she cannot defend herself or there is no one around that will help her." Kuroppoi said and then tipped his hat over the spot where his eyes would be again.

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Marcus gave another long yawn and sat abck down. no one willing to defend her? did this guy think he wouldn't stop anyone from harming her? oh well . . . he thought as his backhit the ground.


"As long as you . . . don't attack me" he said as he began to doze off again. Some of the group wondered if Marcus somehow knew all along this man was no threat, or if he was just being lazy?

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Flu smiled. "That kinda....weak. Chula stated that people who can't defend themselves are the strongest when aided by a supernatural force. It all depend on how strong the bond of the two that make it up." Flu sighed. "How I wish I had a simple possession."


The little was looking around until Zac spoke. "I don't want you to tell me. It will ruined the game." She turn to him and smile. "Why are you here anyway? What your name?"

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Flu grab Khemo. "It your turn." He toss him to the ground. Flu begin to float as he was suddenly dozing off. "I have two people to rest you know."



The little girl smile at Zac. "That a funny name. I haven't heard one like that in a while." The little girl look in a pot then turn to Zac. "If you want your answer...help me find the adults. I sure Zer is somewhere. He always hide when someone is looking for him. He more of a child than he is an adult." The little girl smile as she went through a wall. Her head appear once more. "Oh, I tend to forget now. My name is Ulf."

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