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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Flu was infront of Khemo that he suddenly stop. Flu smiled as he slowing sunk in the earth. "I can meet you guys there but I have certain 'restriction' of those two cities esp. Alexander." Flu head only appear in the ground before it started to sink back. "I suggest we take the long, long way."

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"Ha ha! no." said khemo, looking down at the spot where flu's head had been. "the long, long way, as you put it, is very, very, very, very, did i say very? hard and long to get to. we'd be out and around for months at a time, no one but a member of Tantatulas knows where our hideout is, and to go the long way is more than likly to get us killed. i should know, i made it about half way there once nad had to turn back. we'll take the short and smart way, for the sake of time."

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Flu turn his head around and smile. "I couldn't care less what your sigal is. For all I know, you just so kid that tried to steal for my people city." Flu suddenly turn his body that he was laying straight in the air. "Your sigal doesn't intrested me but it does for the 2 Gods, including Chula. I, however, am interested in your master."

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"who baku? nah, h'es something alright, let me tell you. for a short definition as to why he's my master, other than the fact that he raised me and took me in, he's the one that gave me my little sigal and taught me how to fight. i doubt i could beat him ever really, he's really something," said khemo, almost laughing to himself but glad that flu wasn't interested in his sigal, he didn't want to explain it to them... yet, or show them if nessicary.

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Flu laughed. "Hardly, don't flatter the man. We shall see for ourselves if he what you say." Flu floated closely to Khemo's ear. "Chula find great interest in your sigal. Trust me when I say this......He take your very essences just to obtain it." Flu floated away smiling like notice happen. "So tell me what this hideout like."

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khemo glared for a moment, hating flu's smugness and confidence, thinking that this god of his, chula, would make him succum to it's every wishes. it made him angry, and the sigal on his back burned with the hate khemo felt.

but he smiled after a bita nd clamed down, saying, "well, it's hard to get to, spacious, not exactly luxiourious, cozy, and full of people. that good for you?"

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Flu frowned. "I tend to hate crowds. I prefer isolation. I recently joined this group because I was look for Grim." Flu mind coiled itself as he thought of his past, but he quickly look back at Khemo. "I thought this place would be an isolated place. Oh well, I can't promise 'all' of us will be on our best behavior."

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"no worries. baku never allows anyone or snythign to fight inside of the base. someone start something, you're ass is grass." khemo smiled mischeviously. "and it's not like there are going to be crowds. see, there are over three hundred members to tantantalus, but at a time there will be only about eighty at the base. and with all of it's space, you'll only see three or four people together at a time."

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"well, i'm assuming it was whatever it was that... that THING, was holding under the clothes, or maybe it was the thing itself, though i can't see what baku would use in a thing like that." khemo stared a head, swallowing at the very few memories that still rang loudna d clear and true in his head.

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Zac watched them as they slowly left, and already there was a fight. 'City Alexander. How I remember that place, so many dark memories, utterly delicious' he thought darkly. He looked at Grim. 'Farewell, my friend. I do not know if we shall ever meet again' he said and began walking off in a random direction, back into the ruins.

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