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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Eliseal awoke from her short sleep, it couldn't have been for then ten or fifteen minutes but it felt like a whole day to her. She stood up and strectched out to wake up her mody and make it alert. With a moderate yawn she looked over at the group. "Well, well, it seems as if it's time to go don't you guys think? After all we ARE looking for magical items and what not." Eliseal said with a smile and a warm voice.

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Eliseal waking up destracted Marcus enough that he completely forgot about the design on Khemo's back for a few seconds as he turned around. Noding his head he smiles and agrees. He walks over to her and offers his hand to help her up, but in the middle remembers the design and turns his head. "Whatever that marking is I don't know anything about it."

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Flu was hold a fireball in one of his hand while trying to figue out the pattern of the markings. "Maybe Fire can trigger." Flu clenched his fists and summon a water ball with a fire core. "Too simple maybe something complex." Flu was contining summoning element balls. "Maybe I should do it one by one.....but what is it a one time deal?" Flu summon a black energy core with seeping steams. "Maybe something not of this world?"

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"not of this world indeed," said khemo, lowering his shirt and turning to face them.

"stories of this sigal vary, but they center around one deity, and a powerful one it is at that." khemo turned to flu and said, "yes, I'm in an organization, a band of thieves. but this has nothing to do with them, i had this long before that. no normal element will activate it... i don't know what dose, it just... happens some times. but i will say this, it usually happens when i'm in some sort of serious life threatening danger... of course, that's just going off of the one time it's been active...but anyways, i've been too long. it's late, i've failed, i need to report back to Baku for my punishment. i'll see you later." khemo made sure that he had all of his things, turned around and waved bye to them while he started walking away.

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Flu watch as Khemo left. "He wasn't flinching at all. But I doubt he knew that they last energy ball I hold may could have activate it." Flu turn to the other. "A unique case as allow." Flu suddenly look at Marcus. "I have something to tell yo....Maybe later." Flu suddenly turn to sand and merge in the sand beneath him.

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Flu head appear near them. "Just what we need more baggage...." Flu rose from the ground and frown. "I may hate Balth but I believe he would agree (though with me saying this he will say the opposite) that adding another head will mean more work protecting them." Flu started to push Khemo. "So bye now, let your master know what happen, and he will probably be linger on sparing you."

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Marcus stopped Flu from pushing Khemo and looked at him in the eye. For a minute FLu could see the lingering red shade of Balthazar's eyes behind the emerald green of Marcus'. Could Balthazar be trying to break free? "Let Khemo decide for himself and don't push him away. And, after all, I don't think we'll need to protect him from anything."

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'You two, on both ends of the earth aren't ya? I am pretty certain that his boss will be harsh, but considering their supposed relationship and that mystical sigil, Baku will be lenient. Besides, I doubt he'd want to stay in a group like ours, the entry requirement is being half insane, or for some people, totally insane' Zac stated, giving the impression that he was motioning to Flu.

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"i'd like to stay, it'd be fun i think. i definitely wouldn't need protection," he said, looking at flu, "but Baku is like my father. he took me in raised me, helped me decide who i wanted to be. i couldn't just up and turn away from him, at least not without telling him." khemo walked over next to marcus and put his hand on his shoulder. "don't worry, i think we'll meet again some time. just hang around old abandoned temples like this and you're sure to find me." khemo smiled again and turned to leave once more, saying as he left, "of course, you could always come with me and see if Baku has anything to offer you, just a thought." khemo waved bye and began walking, waiting to see if anyone would follow.

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"well alright. as long as we travel, you cook unless we can get all of the ingredients for the one thing that i can cook." khemo turned back around and faced the road a head. for a while, he was silent. growing tired of the silence, khemo asked, "So what's your story? the full one if you please."

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Flu look at Zac. "I afraid you too fall in that catergoy to, you know." He suddenly turn at Khemo and Balth that was a few feet away from him. "Was that an insult about my birthplace?!?!" Flu suddenly turn around then smirked. He suddenly appear above Balth and Khemo. "I going with you too." He smiled. "That way I have something to do. Beside....." He was looking Khemo's back at the side of his eye. (He may provide a solution for me.) Flu suddenly landed in front of them. "Beside, you know you will miss and I will give plenty of fn anyway." He turn and look at Zac and the other. "You guys can come along if you like. We can let a new 'companion' get all the blame when we have a chance to tell him that we was somewhat the cause of his trouble."

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Marcus smiled knowing that Eliseal was going to be coming along with them. They hadn't known each other long but he felt like he could trust her and well . . . he enjoyed her company. The others he wouldn't mind loosing in a busy city on the other hand.


"Well then, where to next Marcus?" Eliseal questioned and then patiently awaited an answer from him.


Looking up at the sky he then looked over to Khemo, "Yeah . . . were are we going? I was just following you."

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"we're off to see baku, my boss and adopted father. we'll tell him of my failure, and hopefully teh beating won't be too bad. on the way we'll make two stops. one in the city of Lude, and the second in the big city of Alexander. we're stopping simply because it's too long of a journey to just go there altogether, we'll rest, have some fun, then move on. all in favor?" khemo turned around to all of his new traveling campainions.

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Flu eyes grew. "Lude and Alexander....(sigh)...Those are some cities I wouldn't mind avoiding." Flu started to sink in the ground. "I follow you, but I prefer not to be seen when we get there....At least now with you guys that is." Flu's final words was muffled as he was completely engulfed in the ground.

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"Well come on people, won't be that hard. nothing on the paths i take that too dangerous i don't think so... maybe a few things poison, but that's about it." khemo looked back at his campanions and smiled, noticing that flu was missing. "I'm kidding, nothing to worry about, but we should get going before it gets dark."

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