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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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"He most be turning...back into Marcus." Eliseal pointed out, meeting up with Khemo from the entrance way. "It seems as if...Balthazar can only snag a few minutes of time to use the body before Marcus takes him over again." Eliseal was talking more slowly then usual, given that this was the first time her and Khemo were having a conversation he would not notice here slow down in speech. "Come, we must get out of these ruins..." Eliseal finally finished and walked out of the light drenched entrance way.

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Omar looked from the sidelines and notice that he was almost in the middle of a battle again. "Why do i always get myself into these messes?" Omaru questioned even his own authority as he looked at his newly comrades and enemies. "Not much to see here might as well be on my way." Omar said as he turned back and walked the other direction, hoping to find his way back.

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Zac followed Eliseal, hoping she knew the exit. 'This was as enchanting as the visit to that uncharted island. But now I still consider but Balthazar's and Flu's intentions. I cannot judge whether or not they're honourable, but we have little choice but to trust them, for now'.

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Flu was standing on the ceiling as the others walk thru the entrance. Flu turned around to look at the newly destroyed ruins. (I be back....) Flu clenched the amulet in his hand and went thru the entrance.


ooc: What grammar error?.....oh sorry I was technically very busy for the past three days

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after several minutes of wandering, following his memory, this new person by him, and the marks he had made on the, they navagated out of that place and khemo felt a since of peace as soon as he stepped outside.

"*sigh* the sun feels great... hey, you can walk can't you?" asked khemo, looking over his shoulder and seeing marcus there instead of bathazar. this startled him, but he didn't show it, he put it aside so that he could later understand it if he watched.

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Marcus slowly opened his eyes and then gasped when he realized he was moving. Looking around he shielded his eyes from the bright sunlight and then allowed them to adjust. He then noticed he was being carried, which explained why he was moving without being dragged or walking on his own. Glancing over he saw Khemo carrying him, "Ummm . . . you can let me down now . . ." he said with a small hint of laughter.

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"Oh! I'm sorry . . . I didn't mean to offend you," Marcus said as he scratched the back of his head in emberassment, "Yes my name is Marcus."


Eliseal explained Marcus' situation to Khemo about being one of the two souls in the body and joked about how everyone liked Marcus, but not Balthazar. He could only smile whenhe heard this and laugh. He was about to say something, but Zac interrupted him. Looking over in annoyance he listened while yet again someone told Khemo more about him.


"Zac, you talking about me or Balthazar?" he asked in all honesty,pointing to himself. "Because if you're talking about me . . . umm . . . I don't fight alot."

(((No OOC-only' date=' guys. Last warning.)))


1) I was explaining to Rook Bishop what he needs some help on to improve his rpging. You CANNOT fault me for trying to help someone with that.

2) You have never warned us about "ooc" only


As for "ooc" if it is on topic or meant to help someone then do not post in the rpg and spam it up. Now, if you see us arguing over something off topic or ridiculous, then that would be another thing.


Until then please leave us to rpg and help each other out without having you looking over our should.


I know your a good guy and I don't want to end up making you an enemy so please . . .

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ooc: I couldn't said it better myself Jake.


Flu was surrounded by deities as he was agruing about his current situation. A being floating on a machine with sword floating around him smile. "You must endure and accept things like this." Another one, having a clawlike hand, spoke. "Condemn this fool if you like but you must not forget your reason for being here." Flu look annoyed and finally rosed up enough courage to speak but was cut off by another deity with a horse body. "The curse of your people is now also in him. You feel no remorse but hatred because of what he did that is expected but you are letting him fuel you." Flu was about to snap until Utima spoke. "Remorse and hate him for he has a past like you. Hate his dark. Remorse his light." Flu stood still. "Yes, I understand." Utima stood up and flew toward Flu. "Your choice to tell him about your curse that he now also bear." Flu suddenly was sent back in his body. He rose up and saw the other talking. Flu scoffed and laid back down. "Later...maybe "

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khemo turned around and lifted up the back of what was left of his shirt. between his shoulderblades was a sigal int eh shape of an eye; and eye with a fourpronged pupil and six trangles all around it. around that was what appeared to be barbbed wire or perhaps vines.

"you recognize this sigal?"

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Zac caught sight of the sigil. 'Curious, I admit to not know much about the markings in the world beyond runes and summoning sigils, but that eye seems familiar. Could be the marking of an organisation, as Flu had stated. Or it could be something more; but I digress, it could be meaningless'.

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Flu shiftly turned his head at Zac. "Nothing is meaningless.....Anything in this world have some purpose. Whether or not you think it meaningless or not." Flu walk toward Kehmo and touch the markings on his back. "We could use some sort of spell to trace it origin or the location it was apply on this boy." Flu put both hands on his back as he was trying to figure out something. "Then again it may be a key.....I suggest a 'bait' try activate it. If it is some sort of key that is." Flu look at Marcus. "Give it a shot."

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