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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Chula look at him and smile. "My father....well this kid's father." He smiled some more. "I take it you not fond of the one i possess. Me neither, but his father was tempting to save him no matter what. These ruins was a vast and marvelous empire. So advance that the world praise it." He smiled again. "Well it was till I destroyed it, but enough about me what about you?" Chula turned to look at Balth but was suddenly tackle by the mummy.

Mummy: Filthy Fiend!!!!

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Balthazar smiled and thought about leaving, this after all looked like a personal fight. He watched as the mummy slammed Chula into the wall and held him by the throat. Chula gasped and Balthazar unseathed his sword, and with one swift motion he sliced the mummies arm off and incinerated it into nothing more than ashes so it could not reattach to its owner, "I am the only one who gets to kill him. Now stand down or else you will die where you stand!"

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The mummy scream as he threw Balth across the floor. Mummy: "Foolish half-demon!!!!! To think you are a match." Chula slam himself against the mummy thus sending him flying against the wall. "No one slap him around but me." Chula started laughing as his body shook. "Checkmate." A huge tendrail came out of Chula and aim itself at the mummy. Suddenly a shield appear stopping the attack. The mummy begin glowing as countless souls begin appearing and going inside him. His arm appear and sword came in his hand. "I will smite thee both in the (Dark Voice) with help of my people. He came charging at Balth and swung his sword. Chula was holding the sword in his hands as it was burning. Mummy: "You remember Sting! Here Justice!" The mummy raise his sword and bash Chula with the shield. An imprint was on Chula. "Godja..." Chula rush at the mummy and the went thru a wall.

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Balthazar watched as Chula slammed the mummy through the wall. He smiled when the thoughts of the dead souls that were animating the mummy came to mind. He seathed his blade and took off the bandana that everyone always saw him and Marcus wearing. He walked through the hole in the wall and waited the few seconds that it would take for his eyes to readjust to the pitch black darkness of the catacombs.


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Chula and the mummy was throwing blows one by one. Dusts was begin to rise making it harder to see for anyone else in the catacombs. "Chula, If you think I going to have another more centuries fighting you, then you are mistaken." Chula clash with the mummy's sword and sheild. "I may hurt but this is not enough to kill me. Remember I have the power of all gods inside me."

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Balthazar saw the sparks flying from Chula and the mummy in the darkness and he marched forward. When he had reached the mimimal range he sprinted forward and was imidiately behind the mummy, with his hands on its shoulder. Chula could see that his eyes had changed from blood red to and emerald green as he opened his fanged maw. With a large inhale the Mummies eyes became emerald green also and Chula watched in disbelief as the souls that had animated the body began to be drawn into Balthazar.

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ooc:yea but he can't bring all of them out at once. He can't bring two out at once, because of Flu's human nature.


Chula's bodies begin to morph. "How.....What are you doing child!" Chula transform back to Flu. Flu jump over the mummy body with his staves and knock Bath clean in the face. They mummy trick over to the wall as Balth was sent flying to the floor. "Never (panting)......Never try to take my (panting) people's condemn souls. (Panting) They are my responsibility to protect.....my punishment for being who I am....my...." Flu's eyes was black, but suddenly he passed out due to the force transformation back to himself. The mummy got up as he begin wrapping Flu in wrapping. Mummy: "Don't worry son! I will give you peace."

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Balthazar walked back through the hole he had just bent sent through with his right arm covered in blood. He grinned as the mummy looked back at him and then moved away, knowing now that he was able to "kill" him. Balthazar laughed as he snapped the bone back into his arm and then moved his hand around, flexing his fingers as he did so. Looking back up with a stern gaze he snarled and spoke, "I've have enough of you and that foolish child. But elders first . . ."


The mummy attacked Balthazar with its wrappings like a whip, but was shocked that the thing it had hit was nothing more than an illusion. Looking in front of him the mummy thought, "Not in front of me, not enough time to get behind me. Then . . ." "Above!"


Balthazar laughed as he put both hands through the mummies body, ensuring he was not able to flee, "Wrong . . . behind!" In a burst of light all the remaining souls from the mummy were drained into Balthazar and the body fell to the ground- finally at peace. Shaking his head Balthazar looked over to FLu's unconcious body and grinned, "Why yes . . . I will have seconds." he said to himself as he walked towards Flu. Luckily though before he reached his next victim his head began to spin and before he could realize it he was on the ground, vision fading, no sounds, only . . . emptiness.

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Flu was in his mind as he was falling in a endless pit of tormented souls. He cover his eys and ears but with no avail. Suddenly Flu was on the ground. The noise and the souls was gone. Flu begin to cry as he saw his father's soul begin to disapper. "You....what have you done?!?!?" Chula laughter echo thru his mind. Chula: "Perfect!"

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Eliseal, following the group around in an attempt to keep up with them, was looking quite slugish and weak. Her multiple summons must have taken a lot out of her, more then she thought even. "Ugh..." She said, not stopping but getting a little slower. She was keeping up with the pace of the group, but just barely....

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Flu's eyes open to see Balth laying down on the floor. "That is why I hate you.....that is why we are different. You're half human and you have no remorse for anyone even the dead. I pass my curse upon you for now you inhabited it. The stronger you fight it the more powerful it become.....you monster." Flu's eyes close again. Chula: (I should thank that moron for relieving me of a thorn....but I not that type of god.)

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"Multiple summonings are hard to maintain...just need to sit down for a moment." Eliseal said, sitting down on the left wall and then resting her body just for the moment. Eliseal just noticed that the mean and cruel Balthazar was now there, instead of the friendly and collective Marcus. She didn't have anything to say to him really, just sort of drifted of into thought.

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