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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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ooc: this is how our friendship is. lol

Chula stood up as he saw the mummy reveal himself more. "I see the centuries and my Blight wasn't kind on you." Chula laughed but suddenly stop as the mummy summon wrapping around him. He pick him Chula up with ease and threw him to the ceiling. The wrapping soon melting because of Chula's body. "My turn." Chula drop from the celing and felling on the mummy sending them both underground in a secret carvan under them.

Mummy: I free from you spell, you filth! And my first order is to finally KILL YOU!!!" A howling shriek echo throughout the ruins.

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IC: Omar then ran to a safe distance. "I can't really do nothing but just watch and hope for the best." He looked around and found some stairs leading to the top to get better view. He ran up the stairs and when he got to the top he saw an unusual black figure standing infront of him a few steps backward. "Great. Now what?"

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"What is your name and why are you here?" The black figure did not and took out a weapon and held it loosely. "Great fight with a weapon when somebody else is unharm. Seems fair enough in my game." Omar got in his fighting stance and the black figure swung the sword and it missed Omar by an inch, leaving a scar on his arm and blood dripping. "Now im mad!" Omar then swung a few punches but only connected least leaving the black figure on the ground and hopping back up with the weapon still in his hand. "You just never give up don't you?"

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The mummy suddenly wrap Balth in wrapping picking him up and slaming him to the wall. Balth felt thunderous footstep as Chula trample over him and spear the mummy to the wall. The mummy grab Chula and took him where he landed on Balth. Chula rolled over as he saw Balth and he grab him and thru him to the mummy. "Come on! Join in."


ooc: Jake you know you fighting Giants Gods being right?

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