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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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khemo's pupils retracked as he took in a shaky breathe and held it, unable to let it free. the things eye seemed like a botomless pit of yellow, like tainted blood that just kept falling. it's jaws clicked together as it closed its mouth and opened it again, only this time it reached up and grabbed khemo by hte collar of his shirt.

"release me..."

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"na.. na... na... na..." stammered khemo.

"release me..." it repeated.

"NO!!!!" shouted khemo, summon all of the strength he had and slashing his sword through the thing. it shireked a mighty shriek and thre khemo off of it. khemo fell to eh floor and hit his head, knocking him out.

the crucifed thing in haled, and xehaled, in haled, and xehaled. the bandages on it's chest were cut open, an d it dripped a dark ooze on to the floor, yet it laughed in a creeaky coffin voice. it lifte dup it's head laughing and said, "I'm free..."

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ooc: the dragon not even affect by the attack anyway but I edited if you want. Beside Flu is transforming to that dark being you fought Jake. Yea!!!! Flu's father is free!

The Dragon bellowed as Flu continue cutting at the dragon's back. Flu jump in the air and breath smoke out his mouth. He summon a bolt of lighting that struck the dragon. Flu floating in the air was waiting for the smoke to clear when the dragon blasted him in the air. The dragon open his mouth and ate Flu. He turned to the other and blasted them.

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Marcus regained conciousness right as Flu was consumed by the dragon, which turned to Omar and began to snap its massive jaws at him. Seething with anger Marcus stood up and began to walk towards the beast. With each step his head felt lighter as if he was walking into a fog, he could see the dragon . . . Omar . . . chain somewhere . . . a creature . . . black ooze . . . Khemo . . . unconcious. Finally Marcus stopped walking right in front of the once-crucified disease ridden thing.

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Suddenly the dragon was tackled and subdued by a massive dragon made completely of bone. The two dragons tustled and rolled on the ground until they seperated and went into the air. Eliseal was on a knee know, huffing and puffing for air. Summoning him twice in one day...takes to much out of me...I can barely stay conscious. She thought as she closed her eyes, not unconscious but letting her body catch up with the action she just managed to do.

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His head quickly faced Omar and he fell backin shock when he saw that Marcus' eye bad become blood red. Not only that but the air around him was darker, colder, as if even the air shivered in fear just to be near him. Gazing upon his figure Omar could also point out that the orange locks of hair had become as black as saccloth with red veins flowing all around it. The red thatstood out in the mass of black looked like blood running through Marcus' hair and down near his face, which twisted in a melevolant grin. Something about the grin had made Omar look away, but when he found the courage to peer up again he saw that now twisting horns, large batlike wings and a tail had grownfrom his body. There was no way this was Marcus anymore . . . it was . . . someone else.


"Eliseal! Make your beast stand down or I'll despose of it as well!" he shouted over as she attempted to regain her composure.

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Smiling Balthazar walked towards the dragon. The beast roared and went to consume him just as he had done Flu and succeded. With a gulp the dragon swallowed Balthazar and slurpped with delight. Looking at Elisealit opened its mouth and took in a deep breath with all intent to burn her to a crisp. It stopped when it felt something jutt out of its throat and thenmade a high pitch screech in agony. Eliseal and Omar could see a bloody hand ripping through the dragon's neck and then smelt the unmistakeable sent of sulfer in the air. As the dragon groaned in agony its stomach began to buldge and then the popping noise of skin being ripped apart by the grotesquely expanding organ. The dragon made and attempt to take to the air, but by now it was too heavy and crashed to the ground, cracking all four legs in the process. The beast convuled on the ground as blood flowed out of its ears, nose, mouth and eye sockets. With one final bellow allof the air lef the beasts mouth and its head fell to the floor. And through the opening in the neck Balthazar stepped out with Flu, completely covered in the dragon's blood.

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Balth drop Flu down as he continue to look at the dragon. The dragon launch itself at Marcus. "You finally awoken....Now let play." Flu's body shred as a huge bloated figure with a clear body ran to the disease figured mummy. The figure look at him we both when both them went thru a wall.

Figure Mummy: "You still alive, thing!"

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ooc: yes,

"na.. na... na... na..." stammered khemo.

"release me..." it repeated.

"NO!!!!" shouted khemo' date=' summon all of the strength he had and slashing his sword through the thing. it shireked a mighty shriek and thre khemo off of it. khemo fell to eh floor and hit his head, knocking him out.

the crucifed thing in haled, and xehaled, in haled, and xehaled. the bandages on it's chest were cut open, an d it dripped a dark ooze on to the floor, yet it laughed in a creeaky coffin voice. it lifte dup it's head laughing and said, [b']"I'm free..."[/b]

Flu is now fighting the mummy Kehmo freed

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the crucified thing reached up to it's cut chest and grapped the clothe on both sides of it's chest. it ripped them off and tore them back, letting what it tore off fall to the floor. when teh majority of it's chest was exposed, revealing a dark decayed color of flesh underneath, it went to work on what it could get of it's arms, which was up to the elbows and a little up it's forearm. it looked over to its right arm, it's face vibrating as if on some kind of bumpy road, adn wrenched it's arm free of the nail that held it there. with a small and almost silent shriek it tilted it's head back in triumph as it let it's arm fall to it's side. he repeated this action with the left arm. with its arms free, it bent over on it's crucifix, using it's enlongated arms to reach down and pluck up the nails in it's feet. when they were gone, it tumbled to the ground, landing in it's own ooze and making a sound like a wooden marionette on stone. it lifted up one of it's arms, then the other, and pushed it self up to it's feet. standing there, it was almost a full eight feet tall. it looked around at the scene of his tomb, seeing and loving the chaos. it walked forward a few steps, it's incased wings falling seemingly useless behind it like a cape. it turned off, heading for the exit in his tomb, all the time mumbling, "i'm free.... i'm free..."

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