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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Marcus was starring at someone he hadn't seen in a long time, but the roars of annoyance that surrounded the ruins broke his trainof thoughts. "What is going on down there!?" he demanded to Omar.


As Omar finally reached Marcus and Eliseal the battle with the dragon was just warming up. It had successfully knocked Flu off of itself and was now attempting to squash him under its entire weight.

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Pakun kept going. "We have not time to dotal, lets move!" She said as she started following the dog. It lead her down to halways and then stopped at ancient looking stairs. "Down there then..." Pakun yellped as if answering. "Good you've done well." The dog suddenly disappeared. "Marcus I found them!" She shouted loud enough for the echo to reach his ears.

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The dragon looked down at Flu with alot of annoyance and added more pressure to his foot which caused Flu to sink into the ground more. With one final heave the dragon's foot slamed to the ground. Picking it back up the dragon was shocked not to find a greasy Flu stain on the ground. Looking back the beast saw Marcus had tackled Flu with such speed that no one had seen him move, "You ok Flu?" he asked between deep breaths.

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Flu eyes grew pitch black as poison surround him causing Marcus to jump back. "I handled this beast then I summon this kid father and kill him too." The shadowing Flu look at the figure still untouched from the battle as it sit still only to shake a little. Flu disapper and appear on the dragon and begin wailing on him.

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OOC: tell me if i got somethign wrong. there's like four pages worth of reading, i'm at school, i don't want to read.


khemo looked at the creatures eye, frozen with fear. he inhaled and exhaled shaky breathes, feeling it's gaze of him and it's grip on his sword. the crucified thing slowly began to move it's arm up, lifting khemo's sword to it's face. it looked at the blade at what could be called curiosity, or just seething hate. still holding the sword in the air, it looked at khemo directly in his pupil.

khemo could not breath. could not move, coulnd not think, could not act; paralyzed he was. the thing lifted up it's other arm slowly, going to what could have been it's mouth. it gripped the clothe with it's enlongated fingers and ripped open a small hole. it dug and dung into the hole until it's mouth was exposed. it's mouth was that of simple three holes, one right next to the other. these holes were separated by what could only be assumed as bones, each about three inches wide. it enhaled, a large breath, and exhaled through these three holes. it sounded like of a death rattle, come back to life. it unraveled the clothe on it's chin and let it fall to the floor. to khemo, it sounded like a thousand hammers pounding at the same time all but once. teh thing gripped it's mouth by it's three holes and slowly pulled down, it's bones stretching at it's touch. it stretched until it was almost a foot long, and then broke. it's mouth now properly formed, it looked down at it's hand, as if the idea and prospect of it were utterly unimaginable, it's hand. as it stared at itself, it like out a giggling sound, like that of a small boy. then it jutted it's face up at khemo with almost blinding reflexes. as it stared at khemo, it uttered two words.

"release me."

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