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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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OOC: fine, but know this, chatacter in cloth, is mine. you fight him, you fight me. oh goody lol


"No you fool! stupid demon, you'll die faster than you can think to blink! funk off from it, i don't care what baku ordered, if that thing wakes up we'll all die!" khemo got to his feet and ran forward to the crucified thing.

"I won't give it the chance!" he whispered to himself, pulling out one of his katana's and getting ready to slice. in slow motion, some one would have saw khemo run up to the thing with his sword, eyes a blaze with fear and determination, while at the same time it would look as if the thing in the cloth was going at normal speed, lifting up it's head and revealing one eye unclothed. a dead eye, black where white should be and a decayed yellow in teh rest from centuries of wasting away he suposed. under the clothes, the thing took in a raspy breathe, and exhaled. all of this would be seen in slow motion.

khemo slashed sideways, intending to cut the thing down where it stood crucified, but was stopped. the things hand had reached out from around it's cruicfied perch and grabbed the sword in two fingers. khemo got a look at it's eye and smelled it's decay and was paralyzed with a dreading fear.

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As the crucified creature began to stir the guardian beast that had been pinned to the ceiling above also began to be animated. The dragon's eyeopened swiftly and then darted all around the room. Spotting Khemo and Flu the dragon opened its other green eye and convulsed in its former resting spot. Roars and bellows sprung forth from its maw as its hands reached and grasped for the object that had confined it to this desolate place so long ago- and then . . . it was free. Slamming to the ground the dragon watched his soon to be prey as they looked back and forth between the crucified monstrosity and the guardian dragon. This surely was not a good day for either of them.


Meanwhile . . .


As Marcus and Eliseal ran through the corridors to find Flu and Khemo they stopped when the sound of the dragon reached them with its mighty tempo. Marcus shook in his place, somehow knowing the source of the sound before Eliseal could figure it out. He then shookhis head and turned to the wall. Spinnin his hands and then thrusting them towards the wall he destroyed it and then turned back to a bewildered Eliseal, "We don't have much time!"

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Dark Voiced Flu: "Cool! So you awaken too my foe." Flu smile revealing a bony face. "It would be a centuries rematch without you." Flu jump at the dragon with his sycthe. Grabbing ahold of it then rubbing on it scaly scales back. The dragon roar as he shook his body throwing Flu through a wall. The dragon came closer to Kehmo still frozen in fear as he rear his head at him. Suddenly Flu came dashing from the ceiling and landed on the dragon's face. "My turn." Flu summon his staves as he punch the dragon to the wall. He flip to where Kehmo was tripping him as the dragon's tail came flying their way hitting Flu into another wall. Normal Voice Flu: "Yea I gonna to feel that one!" Flu stagger to his feet as the dragon crush him with clawed hand and suddenly lifting him up and hitting him into another wall with his tail.

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