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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Marcus looked back at Zac and then asked if they should follow. "Or maybe one of us should go get Grim and Eliseal and the other follow Khemo. I don't like the current situation."


Meanwhile . . .


Above Khemo was a dragon, though it appeared to have been dead for hundreds of years. Burried deep within the beasts neck was the object that Khemo had been seeking. The dragon's body, though well preserved, had been nibbled at by the various scavangers that pass throughout the desert. Khemo couldn't help but remarks that the dragon looked as if it could still be alive; though he knew that would be impossible.

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khemo first took a step back at the sight of hte dragon, but he was more afraid of the thing in the middle of the room. he was sure, that it was what he was here to get, but... why such a thing as that?

in the middle of the room stood a crucified... something. it's head was down, almost touching it's chest, with withe tendrils of hair descending past it's face, which was hidden. thank god. it was covered in wraps from head to toe, though it's foot was unwrapped a bit, revealing a faint glimmer. even with the draw of what ever was under the bandages, khemo kept his distance for other reasons as well. the arms, the legs, the body, they were far too long. each leg must have been twice the size of his body and the arms the same. at the end of these arms were what can only be seen as claws, vicious things that had ripped and blacked out of the bandages over time; while the feet revealed separate elongated toes and... could that have been another claw on it's heel? yet, despite all of these things, the thing that really got khemo was what was on it's back. two things, the first was some kind of ancient ring, giant and protruding. the second, what were the wraps ended. they ended down by it's sides, the wraps un raveling at the tips of what could only be assumed as wings.

khemo took a step forward, mustering his courage. 'if the boss told me to get it, by god, i'm going to get it some how,' he thought, though his mind did not feel that way one bit. he took another step forward and stepped on a tiny skeletal rib cage, breaking it and making quite the unwanted loud echo across the cavern. khemo froze, holding his breath, not wanting the dragon on the ceiling to wake up by some magic... but dreading that the crucified thing should move. slowly, he began to take another step forward whent he echo had stopped- but he froze. the crucified things foot had moved.

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OOC: well, as far as i know to what has happened, some guys named flu, marcus, and i think it was zac are all in the same ruin as i am. i'm trying to find a treasure or something, they're trying to kill me while finding thier own treasure. currently i think flu is following me and the other two are somewhere back there. i think that's an update.

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Flu came above the ceiling of the room Kehmo was in. (What is that?) Flu noticed the dragon and the figure in the room as Kehmo got closer to the figure. (Fool!) (Mystery Voice: It been a while since I saw those two in a while. Was it 2 centuries or 4?) Flu glup as he hear the voice within him. (No. It couldn't be him.)

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khemo tooka shakiy breath in, making sure not to let any of it out.

'why the hell dose Baku want with something like that?' he thought to himself. he didn't move, he only reached under his clothing and pulled out a piece of paper with is instructions on it.

1: infiltrate

2: seek

3: destroy all others who get in the way

4: bring back the holy symbol

5: don't die

the last two he hadn't understood at first, now he knew. the holy symbopl was what ever was hanging crucified. and the don't die part, well, Baku had always put that on all of his instructions... but this time khemo thought he was serious. he put away his instructions and tryed to take a step forward again, this time to see it's reaction. as he moved his foot into the air, the things hands twitched as well as the foot that had moved.

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OOC: get in here then somehow, i'll kick your ass too lol, i'm already on like, what, two three hitlists? lol


khemo tooka step back and ran into something. he looked behind him for an instant and saw flu there.

'no! he'll wake it up! by all the gods and godesses in heaven i can't let him wake it UP!' khemo turned around and flung himself on flu, putting his hand on flus mouth and tackling him to the ground. he restricted his movments by wraping his chains around him and holding them tight. in a hushed voice he whispered, "shut up! don't say a word and do nothing! i don't want that... that... thing, to wake up! i don't know what'll happen if it dose so please, keep quiet!"

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Marcus had stayed behind with Eliseal too look for Grim. He didn't like the idea of leaving the stranger Khemo to Flu at all; knowing those two they'd end up waking something or someone up. As he and Eliseal ran through the corridors he turned to Eliseal, "So what do you think is so valuable that they'd send someone like Khemo here?"

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"Hm, no clue. Could be a multitude of things. If you think about anything can be valuable to ONE person. If one person in the world thinks acorns are so special that he should have them all he'd gather all the acorns for himself right? So for all we know this item could be useless to us cause we don't think it is as important as this guy does." Eliseal said, as they rounded a corner.

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"Sounds good, whatever you'd like to do Marcus..." Eliseal about faced and noticed how far they had gotten from where they first left. "Dang, can't remember the way..." She grabbed a dog bone from her metal carrying case and put it on the ground, she then conducted a small summon and a small dog came out. "Pakun, the wonder pup!" She said as she commanded it to find the sent of any other being, preferably ones in groups of two or less.

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ooc:Do you want a brief summary.

Kehmo saw the scythe and rolled off Flu. Flu eyes was being covered by a black substance. (Dark Voice:)Now, Now. Let now get so boring. I been itching for a rematch with this fool for a while. Flu point his staves at the figure. The figure shook an inch. "You remember me don't you. I been taking care of your son for a while now. But i do believe he need a slap or a push to see my way sometime." The figure begin shaking some more. (That it.)

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