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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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khemo looked at the new person on the scene with his eyes, as that was all he could move besides his mouth.

"khemo, my name is khemo," he said to the three of them.

"let me go, i'm not about to attack for no reason, i attacked for self defence, that's all. i came here for some kind of treasure, and i'm not leaving without it. so, if you'll be so kind as to release me, i think this corridor leads straight to it since i had to stab a wall to find it was a hidden passage. agree?"

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Suddenly the wall behind the group collapsed but didn't harm them in anyway. A huge red eyed dragon made completely of bone and stunge togethor with ancient magic was now gazing down on them. The party would obviously think this as an enemy, however Eliseal could be seen standing on the skull of the beast. "I thought since none of summons could read the scripture that I'd just break the door down!" Eliseal said, she recalled her beast and dropped to the ground, landing on her feat safely.

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