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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Flu look at Marcus as he settle to his feet. "My people was wiped out when I was little so I didn't catch a lot of their language." Flu look at the runes. "All I understand from this rune is that there traps, monsters, and an priceless treasure of wonder in here, but judging by this age of this place. The traps must be broken and monsters surely had died not counting the ones we fought. And I presume that the treasure was the artifact you was looking for." Flu started walking up the wall. "I will read more to determine what in here."

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OOC: i'm teh newest member of the RP, for details, ask the maker.


khemo was deep inside of the ruins, a torch in one hand and his dagger in teh other. he'd heard that there was some kind of treasure here and figured that it'd be a big score for his crew.

"i wish baku were here, he'd be proud as hell right now..." khemo came to a cross way and looked from left to right.

"this place has so many turns..." khemo ran his dagger along the edges of hte left wall twice, one above the other, and headed down that hall.

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Zac on the other hand had been exploring a large mural that in a large doomed structure. He marveled at the fantastic artisty of it. 'This is fantastic. Angel art is truly the most serene, when in compared to the art of demon kind' he said aloud. His eyes looked upon one point of the mural, depicting some old man and a large demon. 'Funny, that demon looks similar to Balthazar' he noted.

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khemo continued to head down the left hall way. he held up his torch and saw a picture of what looked like an angle hugging a demon with broken wings.

"hmm, pretty. i'd take it with me if it wasn't stuck tot he wall..." khemo moved his torch fromt eh wall and moved on, then stopped for a second. his eyes began to water and his nose didn't feel right. he took in a few involuntary breathes in, and let out one mighty sneeze. the sound waves echoed and travled all around the ruins.

"god damn it, i hate it when i sneeze..."

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"Well that answer my your question and my assumption." Flu standing on the wall looking at the direction the sneeze. "Juding by the wind virbation, I have to say it was a human not part of these ruin." Flu jump from the wall and landed softly on the ground. (Dark Voice: Is this a new toy I can play with? Flu: No....)

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Marc us nodded to Flu and then told Grim he was going to check who it was that made the noise. Walking down the hallways he saw two marks on a wall that pointed in a certain direction, "Well now I know that whoever it is hasn't been here before." Marcus continued to follow the marks until he lost track of them. "Oh great . . . Not only did I loose the markings, but I think I'm lost."


Marcus desided to use an old trick he had picked up if you get lost in a maze and continued to follow the left wall. As he rounded the corner he saw the person who had made the noise.

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Eliseal, who had somehow managed to get seperated from everyone else, found herself entering a room but as soon as she did enter the door seemed to disappear. "What the heck!" She said, returning to the space the door once was. That writing again... She thought as the entire wall was covered in the same writing as the group encountered before. "I can't read this!" She shouted and then took her time to think over what her summons actually were. "Which summon is the oldest..." She said, still thinking about it.

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Flu appear out of the wall behind Marcus. Flu whispers to Marcus, "What the plan of action you going to take because I thought of a few." A wind clone of Flu appear behind the stanger holding dual swords above him. "Or this...." Flu pointed to a walls as multiple Flu clones holding spikes was aiming at the stranger. "Or the classic...." Flu pointed above the ceiling where the stranger was at. Another clone of Flu was holding a huge boulder above him. "It kinda like an that unforeseen event."

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("hmm, unconcious, just like i planed. Hehehehehe! RAR!" - Jim Carry, Ace VEnturea: Pet detective)


the figure that Flu and marcus were looking at shuddered suddenly. the shuddering turned to shaking, then violent shaking. after only ten seconds, the figure fell down to the ground. as it fell, the head of hte figure fell off, a bunch of straw and hay falling out from it.


the real khemo stood behind the corner that the two had passed. he watched as his decoy fell to the ground then silently began to run down a different passage.

'God i'm lucky that i'd already checked out that hall and found it was a dead end. had i not...' khemo pulled out a second dagger when he came to another cross way and made his two marks on both walls.

"if they're following my marks, i'll just have to remember where i go while i'm still looking for this treasure... i may have to fight now that i'm not alone."

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