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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Zac looked at the roup and made a 'humph' sound. He turned away and walked off into the ruin city, paying little attention to the architecture. He had to remain constantly aware for anything that might harm him. 'I doubt there would be too any dnagers, this pace is ancient, and magic wears down after time. The natural order of htings, to whiter, to die, to forget' he said to himself, but was unconvinced. 'There might be something useful down here. I care not for any valuables like gold and silver, but maybe one of those stones are here. What better place to have a demon prison than in an angel city'.

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Zac heard Marcus' boots approaching. 'You wish to join in my little exploration? Fine, just don't get into trouble. We're all tiredfrom that bout with the guardians, naturally there will be more' he warned. He didn't wait up for marcus, but instead began to take in the detail of the city. The large cavernous roof kept out sunlight, but there was still a natural glow which kept the city alight.

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Zac stopped at a broken wall, as on the other side was a view of the lower parts of the city and a very big drop. He turned and face Marcus, reading his face slowly. 'You seemed concerned, I would be too if I was under the possession of a powerful albeit almost mindless demon. I can see why you desparately seek the relics to remove him, but to what end? Releasing him only dooms the world to his torments. You are Batlhazar's vessel, you'd best learn to control him, before he fully controls you' Zac warned and looked off into the city.

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"Yes, for once I agree with Zac." Eliseal said, walking up to the two as she gave them both a smile. "I'd rather have Marcus here than Balthazar but then again as long as you can just control him enough to the point where he want kill us or the innocent that would be just fine to." Eliseal said and ten turend to Zac. "What city do you think this was?" She said, and wanted his honest opinion...

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Marcus lowered his head and turned from the group. How could they say such things so lightly? He is not the one being possessed, Balthazar is. He wasn't on a mission to collect the relics so he could release Balthazar into the world and doom it, but to use their magnificant power to become real. Walking away Marcus' mind wanders to the begining of his "birth", at the begining to the end.


In the reflection of crazied blood red eyes the battlefield could be seen. A meadow transmutated into a graveyard overflowing with the bodies of the dead, undead and the still dying. The General Monk of the enemy bellows in horror as he sees his troops pinned to the ground on spear pillars, their insides now on display for every scavanger to goarge on. Balthazar laughs as he witnesses the reaction of the reinforcements that have arrived to aid the already lost war. Soon Balthazar and his demon army would be the domonant race on this planet, with humans as their disposable slaves.


The enemy has grown fearful, their stench is clearly smelled over the blood, vomit, metal and burnt flesh. To his suprise their leader, Monk Giatso, lays down his staff and kneels before the battlefield. Putting his open palms together he brings them to his forehead and begins to whisper. The hairs on Balthazar's arm begin to rise as if a tiny electrical current was being sent through it, the monk was praying for ALL the fallen souls- human AND demon alike. The once terrified troops are now in a furry of praise and refound courage. With a wave of his hand and one last prayer the opposing army stampeds down the hill.


Marcus is now far away from Eliseal and Zac. He finds a sunny spot to sit down and allows his memories to return to him.


Both sides are now in a heated life or death battle. The two Generals, Balthazar and Giatso, are in a dead lock. Never before had either seen another being strong enough to bring them to a stand-still. Blows are traded evenly, a claw to the face- the end of a staff to the stomach. Neither was giving any ground, nor were they gaining any. Leaping back the monk brings up a sutra, ready to enchant it. Balthazar never trusted the monk, nor his light magic and decided to stop whatever the monk had planned. His hands scrapped the ground, gathering all shorts of dirt and rocks. Throwing it at the unprepared monk, Blathazar is able to blind the monk with the dirt and uses his new found advantage to bring this dead lock to a close. The monk grunts as both of Balthazar's claws pierce clean thorugh his stomach and out of his back. The monk, in his dying moments slaps the sutra on his enemies forehead and with the last of his strength enchants it.


The sutra light up and began to burn into Balthazar's face. Clawing at the piece of paper Balthazar howled and screamed in pain as the sutra's ink began to tatto onto his forehead. He tried so hard that his face was bleeding from the vain attempt. Soon he couldn't feel his body anymore, and then couldn't move. His tail, claws, fangs, wings and horns began to disappear. The blood red eyes he had become well feared for turned green as he felt fear for the first time. The messy and untamed black hair of the demon general was replaced by the lighter brown hair of a mortal man. Soon the transformation was complete and where once the Demon General Balthazar had been, now stood his seal- his prision- Marcus."


Gasping Marcus stood up to see that the sun had began to set. He rubbed his forehead as the memories began to fade back into the unholy recesses of the demon trapped within. Unknown to Marcus as he rubbed a light red and black glow appeared on his forehead, the sutra, and then faded away. "I must have fell asleep . . ."


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Zac followed Marcus by any traces given. He approached him slowly. 'You know, maybe I've been too hard on Balthazar, it is only natural for an angel to hate a demon. But I figure, I'm no angel, I'm just a human with wings and the powers of light. Still, I am curious how you became possessed by him, or is there something more to this tale then meets the eye?' Zac inquired. He turned his back to Marcus, and closed his eyes. 'We all have our little histories, to think. If I hadn't been a coward so long ago, I would've been just like you' he added with a hollow laugh.

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Eliseal follows the group and gets a smile of arousal on her face. "This is kind of crazy.." She paused to see if they were paying attention or not. "To think we met mere weeks ago and are now on a long journey, risking our lives for artifacts and information that a whole army is willing to do anything to get their hands on." Eliseal said, bringing great thought's into her head and questions that could only lead to even more questioning. "Kind of makes this thing feel like one of those old time adventure books doesn't it?" Eliseal started thinking about stories that her brother used to tell her about how he used to fight and kill all kinds of creatures and monsters throughout the land or about how he had been almost everywhere in this land.


It made Eliseal feel a bit sad that her brother would never get to conclude his travels, never again would he sink his blade into enemies that were trying to do him wrong, and never again would he return to see Eliseal and say how much she'd grown. Never again would she hear her brother tell the same old stories that she would get amused with time and time again. It was at that moment Eliseal dropped to her knees, she didn't cry but she felt quite awful. "No..." She said to the group, who had inevitably stopped at the moment she went down on her knees. "I won't be like this, I'll be stronger than my brother and when I make it to the afterlife I'll be the one telling the stories of my great feats!" She cried, and then stood back up and started to walk with the group again, they didn't know what she was talking about but it could only be assumed that she had reached a new level of confidence in her own life.

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