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adventure RP (started) pm me if you want to join.[basic]

Grim the Wanderer

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Zac shrugged and followed. 'Both of them possess a glyph. Behemoth and that Golem are a pair of trap summons, so each would possess the other's glyph. The Golem should have Behemoth's in his head and Behemoth should Golem's on him somewhere, I cna't really tell' Zac explained.

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Zac watched Marcus and smirked. 'He had the Golem's undivided attention, meaning its not on Behemoth' he whispered. He began to sneak towards the beast, and looked all over for the glyph on the beast. He frowned when he couldn't see it. 'Alright, best get to work' he whispered to himself. He began to whisper inaudible words, white particles were surrounding him.

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OOC: Since then



Grim: if I knew where the glyph was I would stop it right now.


when Marcus gets out he's face to face with a giant beast. the beast has horns a main' date=' blood red fur, and a long tail.


Grim: great, a behemoth.


the beast lunges at them but Chains keep it from reaching them.


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Marcus couldn't hear Zac, or just ignored him, as the two monsters stampeeded towards him. at the last moment he leaped over both of them as they crashed into each other. Pooling 1/2 of his entire strength together into his lieft fist he slammed into both creatures with an eruption of pure light. When the light faded Marcus was swaying back and forth between to giant stone glyphs, both which had cracked under the pressure of his attack.


out loud: Done!


Marcus falls over in exhaustion.

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