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1,000,000 strong against WAR!!!!

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this is a simple orginization. all you have to do is add"1,000,000 strong against WAR!!!" in your signature.

if you like war then tell me why you do not wish to post this on you sig?

post here why modern warfare is bad, evil.

if we get 1000 members, we make a protest

if we get 1000000, Earth and the human race will never see this man made plague again.

if you hate WAR then join...

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Guest PikaPerson01

This topic could have only possibly been created by an impressionable 15 year old who thinks that all wars have unjust causes, that nothing ever got solved on the battlefield, and that collecting 1 million people who are against war would solve anything.

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And this can stop war HOW?


its called protest


This topic could have only possibly been created by an impressionable 15 year old who thinks that all wars have unjust causes' date=' that nothing ever got solved on the battlefield, and that collecting 1 million people who are against war would solve anything.



lets see the US is in the iraq war for 7 years and we are more then a trillion $ in dept

War= lose of lives and lose of money

and besides got a problem with it?

no all the wars before Vietnam was just the after not justified.

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Guest PikaPerson01

its called protest


Protests only work if you can capture someone important's attention' date=' and if you goal isn't so fundamentally flawed and vague from the get go.


lets see the US is in the iraq war for 7 years and we are more then a trillion $ in dept


Ah, but you see, the War in Iraq isn't the same thing as every single war that has ever happened, is currently happening, and will ever happen.


War= lose of lives and lose of money


Crusades brought an increase in cultural diffusion.

World War 1 spurred the failing economy by creating more jobs.


and besides got a problem with it?


I'm all for peace and all that jazz, but I'm not stupid enough to think a little "protest" on an insignificant board that doesn't even have a million members with an unclear goal such as "we're against war" will ever get anything other the laughs of derision and pity sympathy from people who don't know better. If you REALLY wanna make a difference, vote for a politician who is against the war, oh wait! You're 15! lol!


All hostilities aside, if you can't vote, right a letter to your governor, or whatever major politician you know. Heck, organize it here, I don't really care. But something as childish as "we're against war" is never gonna get anyone's attention, and won't do anything.


no all the wars before Vietnam was just the after not justified


One man's opinion.

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