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Shadow deck (traditional)

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tribute monsters: X6

Maju Garzett

Patrician of darkness

Magical Marionette

Hungary Burger

Umbral soul

White horn dragon


Non-tribute: X16

Barrier statue of the abyss


Chthonian sodlier


Opliclops X2

Rare metal dragon

element doom

witch of the black forest

Breaker the magical warrior

Mucus yolk

Malice doll of demise

Big eye

Zure, knight of dark world

gren, tactician of dark world

Marionette Mite




Spells: X11

tributeto the doomed

monster reborn

pot of greed

malevolent nuzzler

different dimension capsule


hamburger recipe

mask of the accursed

magical mallet

wicked breaking flameberge- baou



traps: X10

call of the haunted X3

Sakuretsu armor X2

Dark mirror force

Staunch defender

dark coffin

the transmigration prophecy

cemetery bomb



i'v NEVER lost with this deck

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0/10 for banned cards without stating it's a traditional deck. Awful card choices too.




I´ve got no prob with traditional decks because I run one aswell but at least state it, Overlord. I´d suggest that you add some cards for a strategy.

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