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please help

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Wrong Section.


^ Help Section.


Points are worthless and the only point of having them is to buy things from Shops in the Shop Section.

+1 for every post you make.

+5 for every new thread.

+15 for giving a positive reputation point.*

+100 for getting a positive reputation point.*

*debates about whether still works.


You get positive reputation points from other members by being good, making good cards, winning contests etc. add.png

You get a negative reputation point from another member by breaking the rules, being harsh or not sticking to your promises. delete.png.

You can award a member + or - 'reps' by looking in the bottom right side of someone's post.

Reps are also useless and are only there to represent how popular or liked a member is by others. You can't use trade, sell or give them away.


In the unlikely case that you are given a negative rep because of breaking the rules etc, do not return the rep to the giver, it will only cause a 'spam negging' debate which can be reported by the other member. If you were given a negative rep which you feel wasn't appropriate, instead of giving them a negative rep in return, you should report them to a Moderator. If you're in the right, the mod will remove or warn the other member for abusing the rep system.

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