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Super YCM Brothers *Under new management of Duelist_King_Ryan*

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Rokujo goes to a open virual reality simulator, and actiavtes it. "Opponent choosing... Opponent has been chosen, your opponent is, Ganondorf. Please select training level..." said the simulator, and Rokujo chosed the hardest level of them all. "Difficulty has chosen. Please select a stage to choose..." Rokujo looked at them all, and finally chose, "Forsaken Lair" as his choice. Then, the match started, and there stood Ganondorf. The machine has a screen, that can allow others to see the match. Rokujo then took a stance, and said, "Humph, Garbage." Then, Ganondorf ran at Rokujo, who was unprepared, and suffered a strong attack, but the attack was slow however. "Hmm.... Slow, but powerful, this should go easily." Rokujo then focuses energy to his hand, getting ready for a "Forsaken Finger", and charges at Ganondorf at quick speed, and landed the hit, but something it didn't do much damage to him, until the final part of the "Forsaken Finger". Rokujo blasted energy fro his hand into Ganondorf's guts' forcing him back, but it didn't do much damage no matter what.

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