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Super YCM Brothers *Under new management of Duelist_King_Ryan*

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Rahim walked forward across, The Bridge to Eldin. He looked to face, Pikachu. "Bring it on!" and he gestured it with his hand. Pikachu, began charging it's Side B. But, Rahim also used his Side B. Breaking Pikachu' concentration and do damage. Pikachu used it's Up B to get above but Rahim, quickly use his Up B which hit and Rahim, slammed Pikachu to the side and then finally crushed it against the ground. Rahim began to charge a red energy ball in his hand and he made it explode (Down Taunt). Pikachu got close and use it's Down B and whilst Rahim flew up in the air, Pikachu used it's Down B again. Rahim flew of the stage.

Pikachu 29% (3 Stock) - Rahim 0 % (2 Stock)

The king rode by riding on a boar and it dropped an explosive. Pikachu began to run but, Rahim used his B which hit Pikachu and caused it to get frozen and before Pikachu broke out of the ice, the explosive blew up, sending Pikachu flying of the stage.

Pikachu 0% (2 Stock) - Rahim 0% (2 Stock)

Pikachu fell from the platform and on to the ground and with perfect timing, Rahim used his Down B to slam his sword into the ground and unleashed red energy balls. Pikachu hurtled upwards but fell back down. As Pikachu fell it used its, Down B.

Pikachu 9% (2 Stock) - Rahim 15% (2 Stock)

Pikachu quickly used it's B move which hit Rahim but Rahim used his Side B again. A smash ball flew up from the sky, both Pikachu and Rahim ran to get it. Pikachu broke it and began to glow but before anything could happen. Rahim began firing red orbs with his B move. Pikachu became frozen and this was enough to let Rahim get the smashball for himself and he used it quickly. Rahim began firing red orbs at Pikachu from his sword, which made Pikachu, Sleep, get frozen, become Paralysed and poisoned. Pikachu quickly flew of the stage. And when it came back, the last wave of energy orbs hit it.

Pikachu 32% (1 Stock) - Rahim 26% (2 Stock)

Pikachu began using it's B move to fire at Rahim but Rahim quickly jumped and began attacking Pikachu with lots of connecting A moves. And to finish it, Rahim used his Side B but Pikachu still stood. It was time. Rahim grabbed Pikachu and flicked him up and began kicking his chest whilst firing Red Energy Orbs at him with his Up Grab. Rahim won.

Pikachu 41% (0 Stock) - Rahim 34% (2 Stock)


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Rokujo then said, "Yeah, well get over it." Rokujo then walked over from a wall, and said, "So what if you have been sucked into a game, you're not the only one. What, you think we are all stuck in here forever or something? Trust me, we are going to get out one day, seriously." Rokujo then turned, and walked to a corridor, and saw Link there, and said, "Oh, hey Link. Let me guess, you're looking for Zelda huh?"

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