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Super YCM Brothers *Under new management of Duelist_King_Ryan*

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Ganondorf was about to do a Warlock Punch at Rokujo, But was hit by his Forsaken Claws, then all of a sudden Ganon Started Breakdancing...


...In IRL


???: Dangit, I spilt Pop all over my Game Controller!


Ryko felt uninspired by his own singing, so he stopped, and had his Ravens Play "Where Dragons Rule" While He Sang the

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TGU: Sorry to interrupt you, but after my contemplating, I saw that KAOS is deeply intertwined with your soul as well as your psyche. Considering the depth of the fusion, KAOS and you mind as well be the same being. Since you say that Tabuu will never leave until he has KAOS by his side, you must join Tabuu in the abyss in sent him to.

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Ryko: I am Infected with a Disease Called Death Whisper, and Heisei knows that Most People can Die for even touching KAOS, My Disease Protects me from KAOS's Killing effect and Binds My Strength with his, The Death Whisper is also Sealed inside along with KAOS, and Tabuu also cannot Touch this Disease, There are many Options, but they all have Risks, one of them is Trying and Cure the Death Whisper, but the Risk is that if you cure it, I will Die, and KAOS will Roam Free, Another Option is Trying to Remove KAOS from me, but there is the Same Consequence, There is also 1 More Option, but The Risk is Enormous...

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TGU: I think there might be a way of sealing Tabuu into you without risk of corrupting your soul, but the power thing will be a test of your will.

Spawns in a Chalkboard.

TGU: My theory is that since Tabuu and KAOS are both dark powers...

Draws the dark side of the Taijitu (yin yang).

TGU: ...two good or blessed powers of equal strength should counteract the effects of the corruption...

Draws the white side of the Taijitu.

TGU: ...thus creating a whole. The only risk is that you will have massive power under your control. Whether a human can control all this power is what I don't know. Are you up to it?

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