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Super YCM Brothers *Under new management of Duelist_King_Ryan*

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KAOS Uses His Final Smash, Causing red and Blue Balls to Scatter


KAOS: This Final Smash might not KO Tabuu alone, When it Turns into a Large Ball of Darkness, Attack the Ball with Everything you Got, The more attacks that you hit the Dark Ball With, The More Powerful this attack will be


The Red and Blue Balls from earlier Come towards KAOS and Accumulates In Front of Him, Creating a Big ball of Pitch-Black Darkness


KAOS: Now!

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Rokujo stands back form everybody else, and says, "Tabuu, your trechery against all of us has gone too far!! IT IS NOW TIME TO END IT!!!" Rokujo then activates his Finalsmash, turning him into the most Majestic, Chaotic, Destructive, Angelic, Forsaken Angel that anyone could ever see, which was way different from last time he activated his Finalsmash. "Tabuu, it is now time for you, to perish among us, for we are your Judgers, and your... Executioners!!!"

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OoC: Oh and why Tabuu's Defense is that High, is that it Requires a Hack to Unlock Him(Hacked Characters are not Required to Unlock Characters that requires all other Characters Unlocked) In addition to Unlocking Tabuu, that Very Same Player has also Hacked Tabuu to Not be able to take much Damage, Except in Certain Cases(This is a Video Game RP after all)


The Ball Grew Larger and Hit Senyuu, Knocking him back a Little, then it Got Smaller


OoC: Also Ryko's Theme Song in Boss Battle(Theme Has No effect on Ryko): Dragonforce - My Spirit will go on

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As the Energy seeps into Rokujo, he says, "Do it myself?! Alright!" Rokujo then took a stance, ready for the energy to completely sink in.


When the Energy has sunk in, Rokujo opened his eyes, which were the Darkest eyes of this world, or of any other world for that matter, and his body began to change color, all from Dark to Golden, and the Eyes began to change into Silver, and says, "Tabuu, your reign has been ended, and your judgement, shall begin!" Rokujo then held out his hand, and said, "By the power within me, the power of mine and my friends combine, will vanquish you for once, and for all of eternity. Here I come! Ultimate Bonded Forsaken Finger!!!!!"


When Rokujo shouted those words, he dashed at such high speed toward Tabuu, and said, "...Death." Rokujo then, landed the attack.

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The Forsaken Finger Landed on Tabuu, Causing a Massive Explosion, Tabuu was wiped from the Face of Existence, but Rokujo was Sent Flying and Caught by KAOS's Helping Hand, Which didn't inflict Damage, which then Kyko Ran up to Rokujo


Kyko: Thank you Rokujo, for Freeing my soul from that Curse of Tabuu, How can I ever Repay you!?

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