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Super YCM Brothers *Under new management of Duelist_King_Ryan*

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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OoC: I'm afriad i have some bad news. I can no longer keep upwith so many RPs and as well asm,anaging mycousework, so i'm dropping out of this RP. But don't worry, Dulist King Ryan had Pm'ed me a brilliant storyline for this RP, so he can continou this, unless you state otherwise Duelist king Ryan. From now on, he is in charge of this RP, and i'll also Pm NeatHat this so that he can also state this on the title of the thread itself.

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Ryko Fully Recognizes the Mysterious Figure, which was his Long lost Enemy, Yata-Darsagu sees the Teostra Charging towards Ryko, then she gets enough willpower to Shoot a Massive Fireball at the Teostra, causing it to fly far away, the Yata-Darsagu stood still


Yata-Darsagu: help....me.....it's......your sister.....Kyko....

Ryko: Kyko! What Happend

Kyko: it....was.....me that....crashed.....Yugioh.....*gasps*


As Kyko Gasped, She was weakened, then that very same evil took over her again, then she charged at Ryko

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Yata-D: Begone!


before the final Smash hit her, she teleported behind Senyuu and Fired a Massive Fireball from her torches


Ryko: Senyuu, Rokujo, TurboTom, This is no Ordinary evil we are facing here


All of a sudden, the evil broke off of Kyko again because of a sudden willpower


Kyko: It's.....It's.....Ta-

???: Shut Up!

Kyko: *gasps*


As Kyko Gasped, She was weakened, then She was Repossessed

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Ryko: No, It's My battle


A Raven Band Plays 7 Days to the Wolves, then a Smashball appears, which was attracted to Ryko


Ryko: Get Down!


The Smashball Shatters into Ryko, then Ryko uses his Final Smash, Causing Red energy to surround Ryko, then the Ice on Yata-D's Wings break and she takes off flying slightly in midair

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