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Super YCM Brothers *Under new management of Duelist_King_Ryan*

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Rokujo jumped up into the fight, and jumped between Yata Darsuga, and Ryko, and said to Ryko, "Careful what you say, you just might get it!!" Rokujo used a Forsaken Finger on Ryko, landing it, and causing mid damage because of how quick it was, then used his Forsaken Claws, and then used his Rapid A, attacking him until he was down. Rokujo then coughed up blood severly, but didn't care. "Cough, cough, Ugh." Rokujo then saw the Grey Ball flying in the air.

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OoC: Ryko was still in his Final Smash, so 1. he cannot Budge and 2. You're attacking his Shield


Bubbles came from the bottom of the Ball of Energy and Popped on to, causing a Dark Gas to Surround it, then Yata-Darsagu Slams Rokujo to the Ground as a Massive Explosion results from it, Turning Ryko into KAOS, but he has Wings


KAOS: Yata-Darsagu, You are going Down!

Yata-Darsagu: well i was about to say the same thing to you!


KAOS and Yata-Darsagu Charge Each other

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Rokujo was slammed intot he ground, and when he looked around him, he found an Assist Trophy, and said, "...I might regret this." Rokujo grabbed the Assist Trophy, summoning Rokudo, and charged at KAOS and Yata-Darsuga, and so did Rokujo. Rokujo went after Yata-Darsuga, while Rokudo went after KAOS, altering the direction of their fight.

Rokujo stared into the eyes of Yata, and said, "Paybaks is a real b***, isn't it?" Rokujo then punched Yata-Darsuga in the gut, and slammed her into the ground, and said, "Sorry, I try to help you a bit, and this is payment? I'm returning it with interest then." Rokujo was stainding over Yata-Darsuga, and coughed up blood, not on purpose however, but Rokujo just wiped the blood away from Yata-Darsuga's face and his own. "...My blood doesn't look good on you now does it?"

Rokudo was after KAOS, and distracted him at a high speed that was almost impossible to block, attacking him with no result.

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KAOS just Stood there while Rokudo Punched him, while Yata-Darsuga Charged At KAOS, Slamming Rokujo out of the Way and went at a fast Speed, Which KAOS Slammed Yata-Darsagu downwards at a speed that her Wings froze and She was KOed


KAOS: Sorry if i meddled with the Fight, but...


An assist Trophy appears, which had a Seal on it, A Raven out of Nowhere Grabs it and Slams into KAOS, Turning him back into Ryko


Ryko: Woah! What just happened!?

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Rokujo looked at Yata-Darsuga with an Evil look. "Oh? An impatient-type girl hmmm?" Rokujo said while licking his lips Evily. Rokudo walked up to Ryko, and said, "Oh nothing, you'll find out after the match." Rokudo then disappeared, and the match between Senyuu, Naruto, T.T., and Rokujo resumed, but Rokujo was under heavy damage, but whilist he didn't care, he felt greatly in blood thirsty way.

Rokujo went down, back to the fight, at which Naruto said, "Can we continue?" T.T. then said, "He greatly damaged, but, who cares?!" Rokujo dodge an upcoming punch, and attacked T.T. and then Naruto, who was preparing a Rasengan, and attacked him just in time. T.T. was standing behind Rokujo, and Rokujo dodge the attack from behind, adn used a Forsaken Claws on T.T. from behind, and then used a Forsaken Finger on Naruto.

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"Heh, no blocking or avoiding this, I'm already under heavy damage, so might as well go for the jump." Rokujo jumped of the stage before the Fatalis could even reach him.

When Rokujo got back up stage, he jumped onto Senyuu, and knocked him over to Naruto, who hit him upwards, and T.T. hit Naruto upwards afterward, and hit Senyuu who was in the air, while Rokujo went after T.T. and Naruto.

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