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Super YCM Brothers *Under new management of Duelist_King_Ryan*

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Yata Darsagu Glides upward to try and avoid Ryko, But was slammed by Ryko's Scythe


Ryko: I Have an Idea!


Ryko Flies Very Fast and Yata tries to keep up with Him, but She couldn't, then Ryko was Spotted coming towards her, then she was going as fast as possible and Both of their attacks collide with each other, Causing them to teleport again, This time to Final Destination

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OoC: I know..oh wiat, i have an idea!


*The clash of the attacks was so strong that T.T. Rokujo, Senyuu amd Naruto were also teleported into Final destination*


OoC: There we go! By the way anyway has controlover my character and naruto now, as i'm logging off. But try to include me and naruto in ur posts every time you post something, as i get sick of not being involved in fights when i log off!

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Ooc: Will do.


Nartuo looked around, and so did T.T. "Holy crap, where in the hell are we?" replied them both at the same time. Rokujo hit them upside the head, and said, "Where do you think? FINAL DESTINATION!" Rokujo flew up, and said, "Okay, Ryko, give her to me!"


Ooc: There we go.

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Rokujo used a shield to block the fire ball, Naruto counters with Harem Jutsu. "..." Rokujo looks at Ryko, and then at Yata-D, and says, "Sorry Ryko, don't hate me about this, it's nothing personal." Rokujo charged at Ryko with a Forsaken Finger, doing major Damage to him.

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Username: heptadder/howler

Look: a guy in a ruby cloak that drags when he moves.

How You Are Unlocked:

play at least two matches with every character (not unlockables)

have a total of 1000 trophies+ and fight mario.

Smash Attacks:

b:shoots a fire ball

b<>:throws an icicle that explodes

b^:shoots a beam of lightning upward.

bv:creates a gust of wind that pushes and damages really close enemies.

Normal Attacks:

throws a fire punch, when rapid tapping turns into ice punch and ends the combo with a lightning punch.

Final Smash: elemental storm

the screen gets divided in 3 parts.

1.a blizzard appears in on the left section which freezes and hurts enemies in that section

2. the blizzard goes away and the right section starts burning causing damage to the right section.

3. the fire goes away and lightning shoots down in the middle section exploding on everyone in the center.

(like 5 seconds between each disaster, making it so you can get through the smash without getting hurt.)


waves his wand

Special Characteristics:speedy, but not so powerful.

Trivia: (Like a Crush) really likes being part of this game, and adores anyone who uses magic.

Assist Trophy: a little magic increases damage to another, heals user by same amount (5-20%)

Stage: a stage that changes ( like poke stadium) from a platform above lava, an icy mountain, and a thundercloud.

Allies: zelda, ganandorf, sheik, lucario, mewtwo.

Enemies: king dedede, DK, mario, bowser.

Description of Character: shy, frightful, fierce, quiet, careless, straight forward.


(could someone be so nice to explain what's happening?)

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OoC: I know, and i said only 1 Smash Ball, and not to over use the Assist Trophy! But don't leave just yet though.


Turbo Tom: Ok Thats it! *Sees a Fan and grabs it. Runs up to Yata and Rokujo and starts repeativly hitteing them for 12 seconds. Then he thorws the fan at them both and jumps upwards to perform his forward aerial attack where he kicks Yata 4 times and performs a metear smash with his right fist as he spind round after the kicks. This almost KO's her, then he performs a B^ Attack on Rokujo which damages him further as well.*


Turbo Tom: Ok 1. Rokujo, why did you change sides when u saw a naked Naruto? 2. Yata who are you and what do you want?

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OoC: Howler,look at the first page and you'll catch on. Anyway, your accepted, so intoduce your character when ever you like!


Turbo Tom: I asked you a question Yata! *Runs up to her and peforms a A> attack, which she dodges and ends up with T.T. getting hit by one of her attacks*


OoC: Up to u which attack she uses.

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Rokujo then ran up to T.T., and said, "Naruto has nothing to do with it, besides, how the hell did I know he was naked, I didn't pay attention!" Rokujo jumped, and landed a Forsaken Finger on T.T.

When Rokujo landed the Forsaken Finger, something went wrong. Rokujo felt his heart skip a few beats, and coughed up some blood. When coughed up the blood, he said, "How can I cough up blood?"


Ooc: Wait, there is a Smash ball per person, right, and when one person uses that smash, they get another one? Or is it that when one person get's a smash ball, that is the only one period?

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OoC: My First Smash ball was used when Yata Did not interfere with your Fight


Yata-D saw T.T. Running up to her and Used her Whippery (side+B Smash) and whipped T.T. a lot


Yata-Darsagu: To Take over the World

Ryko: Over my Dead Body

Yata-Darsagu: Well then, How about this!


Yata-D Swiftly Flies towards Ryko, and Phases Through the Slime and Punches Ryko, Causing a ball of Darkness to Fly out of there, Which then Cracked to Make a gray ball, almost Similar to a smash ball, then Yata-D phases out of the slime


OoC: I kinda forgot to type a Side effect if you are able to pierce the Energy field, It Creates a Dark Smash ball, which eventually turns into a gray Smash ball, then into a normal one, you cannot grab a black or a gray smash ball until it turns into a normal one(About 5 posts later, if this is allowed)

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