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Favorite 2 Card Combos

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What are some of yours?


My personal favorite is Ojama Trio/Staunch Defender, assuming you can set these two off without a hitch, your opponent will take at least 900+3x(one of your monsters attack) could be 8000+damage with a monster of 2400 ATK or more.


Soul Exchange + Great Maju Garzett

this is just nasty if your opponent has a strong monster out, a great Jinzo killer. Also since GMG's ATK and DEF are 0 he is easily searchable ala Sangan.

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All-Out Attacks works better than Staunch Defender.


As for my favourite 2 card combos.


There's the double Judgment Dragons which cause huge damage, most of the time enough to take out the opponent. Basically here, summon 1 JD, nuke the field at the cost of 1000 Life Points, summon the other and attack. This wont OTK from 8000 but can be enough to take out the opponent if damage has already be done before the JD's hit the field. For taking out all 8000 Life Points, throw Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner into the combination and use her ability.


My other is the Prometheus Return. Basically dump a lot of DARK Monsters (not Nomis or Semi-Nomis), summon Prometheus, King of the Shadows and activate Return from the Different Dimension. In Traditional, Dimension Fusion can replace Return from the Different Dimension.

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