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I was looking at some of the previous posts, and that is how I lost as well. My Darkrai was a turn away from using Substitute. I did not have a single Pokemon to outspeed him. But isn't that what Uber battling is about? Outspeeding? But I still have yet to find a good counter for a Darkrai, that can outspeed it.

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' pid='1485625' dateline='1229724422']

I was looking at some of the previous posts' date=' and that is how I lost as well. My Darkrai was a turn away from using Substitute. I did not have a single Pokemon to outspeed him. But isn't that what Uber battling is about? Outspeeding? But I still have yet to find a good counter for a Darkrai, that can outspeed it.



Well I guess it depends on how you look at it. If the Darkrai that you had with you the first time you traded then I could kill it easy but if we're talking about max speed Darkria (383 Spd) that's a bit harder to deal with.

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' pid='1485625' dateline='1229724422']

I was looking at some of the previous posts' date=' and that is how I lost as well. My Darkrai was a turn away from using Substitute. I did not have a single Pokemon to outspeed him. But isn't that what Uber battling is about? Outspeeding? But I still have yet to find a good counter for a Darkrai, that can outspeed it.


One of the best counters I know to stop him is Sleep Talk Choice Scarf Heracross.


Here's more

Darkrai does not have a true counter, due to most counters' fear of Dark Void and the possibility of being Taunted, as well as the unpleasant Bad Dreams, or Darkrai getting a Nasty Plot on them. After Sleep Clause is activated, hopefully by the sleep's being absorbed by a Sleep Talker, Darkrai becomes much easier to stop. For the Nasty Plotter Scarf Palkia can swap in and OHKO with Draco Meteor without worries of Dark Pulse flinching it, although one must be careful of Spacial Rend. Scarf Palkia can swap in on Trick and laugh as Darkrai receives a Choice Scarf. Kyogre can take a Nasty Plotted Dark Pulse with its base 140 Special Defense and deliver swift annihilation with Surf. Ho-oh is in a similar vein, but it isn’t quite as effective due to the abundance of Stealth Rock in the Uber metagame. Sleep Talk Choice Scarf Heracross can come in and scare it off as long as it doesn't have Psychic. Scizor can take on anything besides Nasty Plotted, Life Orb Focus Blast and U-turn away to a faster Pokemon to finish off any remaining HP should Darkrai not die from it. Toxicroak resists both Dark Pulse and Focus Blast and OHKOes Darkrai with Cross Chop. Fighting or Bug Arceus is the closest thing to a "true counter". It shrugs off Darkrai's hits pretty well and OHKOs it with Judgment. However, Arceus is currently unreleased


The mixed attacker is countered by Scizor, who doesn’t mind taking its attacks and can deliver a powerful Bullet Punch or U-turn. Should Thunder be absent from the set, Kyogre, Ho-oh and Forretress destroys it.


The Swords Dancer is very easily walled by Skarmory, Scizor and Forretress, as they resist Sucker Punch and don’t mind Brick Break. They can always attack to plow through Focus Punch as well. Dialga resists Sucker Punch and can quickly KO Darkrai, but must be careful of Focus Punch or Brick Break. Groudon and its massive base 140 Defense does not mind taking a Swords Danced Sucker Punch as long as it is above 60% in health, and OHKOes Darkrai back with Earthquake. A healthy bulky Kyogre can accomplish the same as Groudon. Any Ghost with at least one move that is not an attack can wall Swords Dance Darkrai as long as Taunt or Faint Attack is not present. As long as Taunt is not present Lugia laughs at it, having a base 130 Defense, 106 HP and a 4x resist to Fighting. Physical wall Mewtwo resists Focus Punch and can Burn Darkrai assuming that Taunt is not present. Dragon Dance Rayquaza with ExtremeSpeed can strike before Sucker Punch and can KO Darkrai with ease, while resisting Brick Break or Focus Punch. The Swords Dancer is countered by many things and should not be too much of a problem to stop. Generally all it takes is to be able to either absorb or bypass Sucker Punch, and at the same time resisting Brick Break or Focus Punch, or having enough defense to take them. Beware of Taunt, however.


In general, one needs two Pokémon to stop Darkrai: one to absorb sleep, and the other to withstand its moves and annihilate or scare Darkrai out of the battlefield. It is definitely not as simple as it sounds, because Darkrai can psyche the Sleep Talker out with Nasty Plot or Trick and still have the advantage in combat.

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OMG I was just gonna say my Mewtwo can OHKO it, if Darkrai doesn't have a Speed boosting nature, or isn't trained very well, but you went absolutely mental. Then again is it's Sashed it wouldn't be an OHKO. Well I don't really have to worry about Darkrai because I never batlle it in Standard and even if I do battle someone using Darkrai chances are he doesn't have a good one anyway.

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no ubers

uber list






Deoxys (E)



















1.Species clause (So you don't run into a team of 3x Blissy 3x Skarm)

2.OHKO clause (OHKO moves removes skill and make things luck based)

3.Sleep Clause (because having your whole team fall asleep is broken)

4.Evasion Clause (evasion moves are just a pain to deal with and do nothing for the game)



if you have any quisteins about the rules ask the touny advisors flame dragon or yarwoodg.

all battlers will have to battle any time during the days and the winner has to send me a full battle report


when: 26th to 28th

26th first round

27th semi finals

28th finals



1st:5 reps

2nd:3 reps

3rd:2 reps

4th:1 rep


after the toruny callayway felix yarwoodg and dark will give prizes no one else any quisteins about the matchups ask me

callaway hs left for a while so i changed the thing


sponsered by:club pikachu, pokemon world, pokemon discussion corner, pokemon elite, flyboys, and endwar RP

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One of us either lost internet connection or the satellite dropped the connection. AND I WANTED TO SEE YOUR LAST POKEMON. YellowStyx, I really love your Porygon-Z. It took down his Metagross which was a pain in the ***. And it had 16 HP left after a +ATK Thunderpunch. :D

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He could have used U-Turn but there would have been no switch, also it isn't a priority move. Here's the Smogon run down.


After attacking the opponent, the player chooses a new Pokémon to send out. If this move KOs the opponent, the user decides which Pokémon to send out, then the opponent decides. If the user is the player's last Pokémon, this move only does damage.


If the Pokémon switched to has a Choice Band, Choice Specs, or Choice Scarf, and also knows U-turn, it will be forced to use U-turn.


If U-turn is used against a faster Pokémon using Pursuit, Pursuit does normal damage and hits the user of U-turn. If U-turn is used against a slower Pokémon using Pursuit, Pursuit has double power and hits the Pokémon using U-turn before the U-turn damage comes into play.


If a Pokemon under the effects of Ingrain uses U-turn, that Pokemon is allowed to switch out, and the Pokemon that replaces it does not gain the effects of the Ingrain.

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How do you mean? You can't do Battle Tower on WiFi unless you do the download teams one but that's not two player.


What's peoples scores in there I got up to 61 in the normal single battle one and I manged to beat two different rooms in a row on the download thing, I haven't really tried the others. (Please no exagerating though, I hate it when people do that kind of stuff so they can pretend they're better than someone else)

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