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New Structure Deck Early Release

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It has arrived....


Konami America has pushed up it's American release of the new Zombie World structure deck. It's date was changed from a Halloween release to 10/21 in two short days. However some places (Modell's) have released it even earlier. I now am the own of 4 of these decks and the broken-ness is insane.


For your viewing pleasures here is the complete deck list from the American Zombie World Structure....




Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon (Holo rare and image on deck box)

Malevolent Mech - Goku En

Paladin Of The Cursed Dragon


Patrician Of Darkness

Royal Keeper

Pyramid Turtle x2

Master Kyonshee

Spirit Reaper

Getu Fuhma

Ryu Kokki

Regenerating Mummy x2

Des Lacooda

Marionette Mite

Plague Wolf (common, sad faces for collectors everywhere)

Zombie Master x2 (common)




Zombie World

Spell Shattering Arrow

Cold Wave

Magical Stone Excavation (common, sad faces for collectors everywhere)

Card Of Safe Return

Creature Swap

Book Of Life

Call Of The Mummy


Pot Of Avarice


Field Barrier

Soul Taker

Ribbon Of Rebirth

Card Destruction




Imperial Iron Wall

Dust Tornado

Bottomless Trap Hole

Tutan Mask


Magical Arm Shield


*Now depending on where you live, you may not luck out such as I have. But here in the Big Apple I'm one happy duelist.

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Wow, this is old news. I've known what was in here for over a month. Also, the original release was the 21st, not Halloween, though I did just find out about the stores putting it out early last Tuesday. And erm, DR. Pain, the people who used the deck in the tournament should have been disqualified because the new cards aren't legal yet, the reprints could have been used though.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Old news.


For some peculiar reason, I have 5 Goblin Zombies. <_< Two were bought, one was traded for, the other two were pulled whilst getting a Stardust and Red Archfiend Dragon tin.

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Guest setojim

No Plaguespreader or Deathkaiser :'(


'Kay' date=' that'd be asking a lot. But it was still severely watered down, as usual...



besides goblin zombie, wtf are u talkin about? the deck wasnt that watered down

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I dont either. What could substitute for them?


Sorta off topic: What a week its gonna be for me. A new Structure Deck for me to get' date=' Im getting 2 D-Draws next week and soon Ill be a card closer to completing my Lightsworn Deck.



Im using Gernia instead of Goblin Zombies in mine.


It's been released? My God. I am going to buy 3 of these' date=' mainly for Zombie World. This is simply awesome news. Locals, here I come. :D



You should only buy 2. the only thing you would need after those are 1 Book of life and 1 Gernia(If you run it like me). Zombie World is fine at 2.



I bought 2, its awesome

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