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RESULTS(Sorry I do not have scores, I left them at my friends house)


3rd Place: Nate and Cheese Pirate.


Both had good decklists and playtested fine, but I would change somethings.


2nd Place: Judgement Dragon and Toni(sorry toni).


Both decks playtested well. I liked how they played out. Toni, the use of Nitro Synchron was a cool tech, but I wouldn't run 3. JD, I think that 3 Grasschoper is too much, which hurt you a little.


And Finally the Winner.........but first, a special notice to one deck that I thought was purely genious: SOS Haruhi's. It made me lul, so I will give you extra points....


And the winner is..............................,.............Its a tie between Pyscho Shocker Android and SixtyThreeZero.


I liked both decks the most and I tried to choose who was better but I couldn't. I decided that I will run both, 1 this week and 1 next week.


I will be handing out prizes later. Congratulations to all.

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