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Here is your chance...


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...to win some prize


This is a deck building contest. The theme of the deck is Gigaplant. I will be judging the contest.


1st Place will get:

The honor of having there deck being run by me at my locals and at Regionals if I attend. Along with 3 +reps and some points.


2nd Place will get you:

+2 reps and points.


3rd Place:

+1 rep and some points.


4th and below: Will get some points.


I am unsure about point totals yet but everyone will get some.


The rules:

Must stick to the theme of Gigaplants. Failure to do so will get you disqualified and you will get no prizes.


No OCG only cards or Anime cards.


No SJC prize cards(Doomcaliber Knight, Golden Sarco...etc). Keep in my I have to build this IRL.


Rubric I will be using:

Effectiveness: 45 points

Consistency: 20 points

Creativity: 15 points

Thought put into the deck:15 points

Sticking to the theme: 5 points.


Contest ends next Friday Night around 10:00 pm. I will announce the winners and begin giving away the prizes. Good luck.

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3x Gigaplant

1x Brain Crusher

1x Grasschopper


2x Blazewing

3x Lonefire

2x Cannon Soldier

2x Lord Poison

1x Sangan

3x UFO Turtle

1x Breaker



2x CoSR

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy

1x MST

1x Future Fusion

1x Dragon's Mirror

2x Insect Imitation

2x Mass Driver

1x Brain Control

2x Swing of Memories



2x Birthright

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential

3x Solemn



3x Super Alloybeast Rapitinus

1x Gyzarus


3x Stardust

2x Goyo

1x RDA

2x TRA

2x Colossal

1x Magical Android

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3 gigaplant

3 lonefire blossom

2 grasschopper

3 ufo turtle

2 blazewing

3 nitro synchron

1 card trooper

1 breaker

1 sangan

1 morphing jar



1 heavy storm

2 foolish

2 cosr

1 brain control

1 monster reborn

1 future fusion

2 dragons mirror

3 swing of memories



1 mirror force

3 reckless greed

3 solemn



x stardust

x rda

x macgical android

x thught ruler

x goyo

x collossal

x gayherauz

1 sanwitch

3 super alloy beast raptinus



2 dd crow

2 pmd

3 sim

3 limit reverse

3 roars

2 kinetics


/topc liek srsly i have never seen a betetr gigaplant build than my one ;D

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3 Gigaplant

3 Lonefire blossom

3 Ufo Turtle

2 Blazewing Butterfly

2 Grasschopper

1 Rigerous Reaver

1 Breaker The Magical Warrior

1 Sangan

2 Howling Insect



1 Heavy Storm

2 Foolish Burial

2 Card of Safe Return

1 Brain Control

1 Monster Reborn

1 Future Fusion

2 Dragons' Mirror

3 Swing of Memories



1 Mirror Force

1 Ultimate Offering

1 Birthright

3 Reckless Greed

3 Solemn Judgement



2 Stardust

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

2 Magical Android

1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

3 Goyo Guardian

1 Colossal Fighter

1 Sanwitch

3 Super Alloy Beast Raptinus


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Extra Deck: 3


3x Super Alloybeast Raptinus

And any Synchros or Fusions to fill the 12 spaces.


Monsters: 18


3x Gigaplant

3x Grasschopper

3x Blazewing Butterfly

3x Lonefire Blossom

3x UFO Turtle

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Sangan

1x Morphing Jar


Spells: 15


3x Swing of Memories

2x Card of Safe Return

2x Foolish Burial

2x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Monster Reborn

1x Lightning Vortex


Traps: 7


1x Torrential Tribute

3x Threatening Roar

3x Bottomless Trap Hole


Alter as you see fit.

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Monsters x17


3|Lonefire Blossom

3|UFO Turtle

2|Blazewing Butterfly


1|Metal Armored Bug


1|Breaker the Magical Warrior

1|Snipe Hunter


Spells x15

3|Swing of Memories

3|Lightning Vortex

2|Card of Safe Return

2|Foolish Burial

2|Dragon's Mirror

1|Monster Reborn

1|Heavy Storm

1|Brain Control


Traps x8

3|Solemn Judgment


1|Torrential Tribute

1|Mirror Force

1|Ultimate Offering


Extra Deck x2

2|Superalloy Beast Raptinus

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Total : 40

Monsters : 17

3 Gigaplant

1 Grass Chopper


3 Blazewing Butterfly

3 Lonefire Blossom

3 UFO Turtle

1 Lord Poison

1 Sangan

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Morphing Jar


Spells : 17

2 Card of Safe Return

1 Foolish Burial

1 Future Fusion

2 Dragon's Mirror

2 Creature Swap

1 Lightning Vortex

2 Symbol of Heritage

2 Swing of Memory

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade


Traps : 06

2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Ultimate Offering


Extra Deck : 15

3 Super Alloy Beast Raptinus

1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1 Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

1 Sanwitch

1 Elemental Hero Grand Neos

2 Stardust Dragon

1 Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Thought Ruler Archfiend

1 Colossal Fighter

1 Avenging Knight Parshath

1 Goyo Guardian

1 Magical Android


Side Deck : 15

1 Neo Spacian Grand Mole

2 Shadow-Imprisonning Mirror

2 Light-Imprisonning Mirror

1 Magic Cylinder

2 Dust Tornado

2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

2 D.D. Crow

2 Legendary Jujitsu Master

1 Threatning Roar


Sorry guys but I think I win this one.

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Monsters = 18

3x Gigaplant

3x Lonefire

1x Blazewing

3x Mystic Tomato

3x Krebons

1x Psychic Commander

1x sangan

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Card Trooper

1x Junk Syncron


Spells = 14

3x Allure of Darkness

3x Emergency Teleport

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Monster Reborn

2x Swing of Memories

1x Vortex

2x Mind Control


Traps = 9

3x Solemns


2x Bottomless

1x Mirror Force

1x Mind Crush


Extra = 15

2x Rap the magic Dragon

2x Star Dust

2x Red Dragon

2x Magic Android

3x Goyo

2x Colosal Fighter

1x Thought Ruler

1x Junk Syncron


Side= 15

2x Blaze Wing

1x Future Fusion

1x Dragons Mirror

1x Card Destruction

2x Rota

2x Mass Driver

2x Puppet Plant

3x Marauding Captain


This is what im using now. Idk, thought id share.

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Deckname: GigaOTK.

Cards: 41


Monsters: 17

3x Gigaplant

3x Lonefire Blossom

3x Blazewing Butterfly

3x UFO Turtle

3x TCS

1x Sangan

1x Metal Armored Bug


Spells: 17

3x Mass Driver

3x Swing of Memories

2x TToC

2x Dragons Mirror

2x CosR

1x LV

1x Heavy

1x MST

1x Monster Reborn

1x Future Fusion



1x TT

3x Solemn

3x Reckless Greed

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Tribute guys

3x Gigaplant

2x Hunter Spider


- 4 star Monsters

3x Darkworld Thorns

3x Firegrass

3x Man Eater

3x Basic Insect

3x Fiend Scorpion

3x Killer Needle

2x Kuwagata alpha



3x Laser Cannon Armor

3x Vile Germs

3x Mooyan Curry

3x Raimei

3x Sparks


you win with this deck' date=' you get a cookie



I lol'd.

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no i still win


symbols suck in gigaplant as well as creature swap (ive tested them all)

only 1 foolish :S


plus i have a solid synchro capabillity already


thus i win make my deck


arrogance ftw ;D


also i negged a grasschopper for a morphing jar in my build


I don't know when you tested those but I can assure you swap is godly now trading a turtle or sangan (even lord poison) for those huge monsters everyone is playing is pure evil. And I don't know why symbol suck because you always have 3 blossom in the grave.


plus you're running fail synchron


thus you lose


impersonation ftw ;D


you can switch a symbol for a swing in my build if you feel like it

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ton, you really are retarded. You have these outbursts in 1337 speak and with horribad grammar that keep expressing and repeating the same stupid point, that you're gonna win. The only way to make these outbursts worse is to give you dissociative identity disorder or Downs Syndrome.


Just, shut up, and let this contest end without your outbursts.

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You know ton, magna drago is : fire, tuner, lv2, has more atk and has a better effect...


And you are not even running 1 nitro warrior in your extra deck.


Lord Poison reads :

When this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard to your side of the field except "Lord Poison".


I think that's what gigaswarm is trying to accomplish.

And after that you are free to resummon gigaplant to bring more gigaplants.

Plus your opponent can't crow/oppression because you're in the damage step.

It's a plant so you can search it with blossom.

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Lord Poison reads :

When this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard' date=' Special Summon 1 Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard to your side of the field except "Lord Poison".


I think that's what gigaswarm is trying to accomplish.

And after that you are free to resummon gigaplant to bring more gigaplants.

Plus your opponent can't crow/oppression because you're in the damage step.

It's a plant so you can search it with blossom.



The point is, Gigaplant does a way better job.

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