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My new Crystal beast deck!!!!!

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please rate and comment, my brand new deck contains:



The Gem Lord - Rainbow Dragon x1

Crystal Beast Amethyst cat x2

crystal beast cobalt eagle x2

crystal beast ruby carbuncle x2

crystal beast Amber mammoth x3

crystal beast emerald tortoise x2

crystal beast sapphire pegasus x1

crystal beast topaz tiger x1

warrior of atlantis x1

morphing jar x1

luster dragon x1

great maju garzett x1

magna-slash dragon x1

gravi-crush dragon x1

sacred phoenix of nephthys x1



Card Trader x1

change of heart x1

graceful charity x1

crystal promise x1

crystal amudance x1

different dimension capsule x1

crystal becon x1

pot of avarice x1

crystal blessing x2

monster reborn x1

dark world dealings x2



call of the haunted x1

magic cylinder x1

Magical hats x1

spellbinding circle x1

magical arm shield x1

crystal raigeki x2


I would like to thank the guys for telling me what I need to improve.

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