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Snakes in Space(small edit)


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Monsters LV5 and up(4)

Venom Boa

Alien Mother

Vennonminion the King of Poisonous Snakes

Cosmic Horror Gang'el


Monster LV 4 and down(18)

Venom Snake*2

Venom Serpent*2

Venom Cobra*2

Alien Telepath

Alien Skull

Alien Hypno

Alien Hunter

Alien Warrior*2

Alien Grey

Alien Mars

Interplanetary Invader "A"

Alien Shocktrooper*2

Alien Psychic



"A" Cell Scatter Burst

"A" Cell Breeding Machine

"A" Cell Incubator

Snake Rain

Venom Swamp

Otherworld - The "A" Zone

Venom Shot

Corruption Cell "A"*2



Strike Slash

Cell Explosion Virus

Mass Hypnosis

Interdimensional Warp

Draining Shield

Damage = Reptile

Ambush Fangs*2

Venom Burn

Offerings to the Snake Deity

Brainwashing Beam


I will try to get a hold of Venominga, but for now, these are what I got. What do you think?

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1 yeah' date=' but I haven't decided whether I will go or not. I know what you're going to say. this deck is not ready for a tournament. I got a few traps I could switch into this deck, plus remove a few.

[/quote']No, you misunderstood me. I was going to tell you to go to the tournament to trade for some cards that would be benificial to your deck.

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