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My first god card


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only one objection from me: dont list the effect on it. to get it to look authentic, you should have flavor text instead. ive made two versions of three different self-made god cards myself: ones with flavor text, the "classic" ones, and ones with their effects listed, the "duel" ones.


take a look at the ones i made for an example


Kefka, God of Unfaith::Gojira the Leviathan::Creature from the Center of the Earth


other than that, very good

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hmm...now THAT'S the hard part. what i did with my ones was look up the idea sources of each of my god cards(the biblical leviathan for goji, ff6 for kefka, and journey to the center of the earth for the creature) and got my ideas from there. kefka's, for example, is a truly devilish line said by him near the end of the game he appears in, which is also why he is considered even more evil than sephiroth of later FF games by many fans. as such, i made that quote his flavor text.


the one for Gojira is an excerpt from the bible concerning the leviathan, but i changed it from the original by adding "the" before "Leviathan" and then a specific name reference at the end


what is yours based on? you'll probably be able to get something truly epic by looking it up

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Keep it with the Effect, as Demented said. Also, myself, I don't approve of Divines, and for a God Card, this seems seriously underpowered. You could sacrifice 3 level 2's and only get 3000. Of course, it needs countereffects to Spells and Traps, blah blah blah etc.

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