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The World Begins With Us. (Twewy Rp)


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Me and Clariex have decided to be Game Masters so we can get this RP started. The composer is a bit insane so it makes sense that there's two. And you'd have to be insane to promote Uzuki and Kariya to Game Master xD Well anyway we can start tommorow.

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Name: Zasz Menosha

Side: Neutral

Appearence: 72ac78.png

Bio: Despite not wanting to talk about his past, he is willing to tell it to people he likes. He came from a troubled young life which ended up with him having terminal depression. He visited numerous counsellors but he ended up making them eat their own PhD's. On numerous occasions he tried to commit suicide, but something got in the way, a small feeling that prevented him from doing so. This feeling is what convinced him to buy his hat, which he never explains.

Partner: Whoever

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