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This is ridiculous.

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DAD needed limiting the day it came out' date=' it's one of the most broken cards in the game alongside Goyo and [b']Magic Gear[/b].


Well excuse me for referring to cards by their proper Japanese names...




This card was never good. Not even in Ancient Egypt.




And in Ancient Egypt, Dark Magician is good.


Think about that.

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DAD needed limiting the day it came out' date=' it's one of the most broken cards in the game alongside Goyo and [b']Magic Gear[/b].


Well excuse me for referring to cards by their proper Japanese names...




This card was never good. Not even in Ancient Egypt.




And in Ancient Egypt, Dark Magician is good.


Think about that.


I went to Ancient Egypt and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.


Seriously though, Spell Gear is FARRR from ban-able.

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' pid='1251915' dateline='1224395160']

The Top 16 of Shonen Jump Charlotte is as follows.


15 TeleDAD

1 Lightsworn


Things need to be banned.


The presence of a single dominant deck does not necessarily indicate the need to ban cards. The banlist should be used to remove cards from the game that reduce the level of skill needed to play; it should not be used to play traffic cop with the meta' date=' telling one deck to go and another to stop, and switching lights from green to red every six months just to change things up.


...that said, things need to be banned.


There needz to be a new awesome deck that will take out TeleDAD. we need to think!


Did you ever play Majora's Mask? You know how the Skull Kid is about to make the Moon fall and kill everyone, and he cackles "If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!" And then you summon four giants to save the world? Well, life isn't like video games. No four giants are going to pop up out of nowhere to save the day.


' pid='1251957' dateline='1224396740']

TeleDAD doesn't necessarily even require DAD at all' date=' but it is still a problem.


TeleDAD abuses Krebons, Malicious, and CCV as well as overusing Allure and DDraw. Something needs to be done about these cards, primarily CCV and DAD. If Krebons is banned, TeleDAD would then have to use Psychic Commander, which would mean that they would have to run the Tricky and Cyber Dragon, making them much weaker in my opinion.


I'm not saying Krebons should be banned, but it would severely devastate these decks.



You seem to be implying that banning Krebons would at least be a somewhat reasonable decision, or at least one worthy of consideration. However, Krebons is nothing more than a little Level 2 Psychic Tuner that can prevent its destruction by battle at the expense of Life Points. What's so banworthy about that? That's like banning X-Saber Airbellum for being Rescue Cat-able.


' pid='1251993' dateline='1224398294']

Nobody said it was.


' pid='1251968' dateline='1224397323']

I agree that DAD' date=' CCV, and ETele need to be dealt with primarily.



Pray tell, if you never said that Emergency Teleport needed to be banned, then what is this statement about? What do you want to do, ban DAD and CCV but Semi-Limit Emergency Teleport?


Stop whining with your emergency bans' date=' this is just stupid. If we do this it will go back to 12 Gladiator Beast deck in the top 16. Getting rid of 1 card won't solve the problem of the meta being centralized around a deck. I'm so sick of you noobs always whining when the good players decide to play a good deck and gets goods results. If I remember correctly when chaos sorcerer was around we had jumps with 7 chaos deck in top 8 (because it was top 8 back in the days) and we dealt with those cards for 6 months and we're not dead. Wait another 4 months for something to get ban because seriously this is rediculous. We have pleaguespreader zombie, thunderking raio and a lot more stuff coming to fight against Tele-DAD. It's people like you who are killing this game, by making the players without the ability to get the "meta" decks having to rebuild there decks every 3 months to adapt to those emergency bans.



Chaos was arguably the worst format in Yu-Gi-Oh history in the pre-PTDN era. Stop pretending that it was a nice and happy time.


I see nothing about the cards you list, especially Raiou, that suggests that they will be able to crush Tele-DAD, and in any case, that doesn't change the basic fact that Tele-DAD contains banworthy cards.


I agree that DAD should be banned but there are a lot (and I mean A LOT) of other cards that should go down with him.




The only cards that should get E-Bans are those who can win games by themselves. (Cyber Stein and Dimension Fusion can do this and deserved their fate)


Dark Armed Dragon and Crush Card Virus both have the capacity to single-handedly win games' date=' and they're definitely two of Tele-DAD's problem cards.


DAD needed limiting the day it came out, it's one of the most broken cards in the game alongside Goyo and Magic Gear. Teleport I can stand, that requires strategy, DAD you just need a good Dark Grepher and you've got an instant DAD summon...


My conclusion:

Limit DAD to make it less usable or just outright ban it...


You lost your credibility when you suggested Limiting a card for no reason other than to reduce its consistency (as Konami did with Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning). And when you said that Magic Gear was broken. And when you started typing.


Eh' date=' sorry I'm tired. Misread what You and the others were saying.


Yes, DAD needs to be dealt with. How?!




Do something to Allure,

and D Draw

and Malicious

and maybe even Teleport.


And while where at it, lets ban Gyzarus.




why everybody thinks that fattening the ban list is the solution to dominant decks instead studying the way to stop them??


Banworthy cards deserve to be banned. Yesm it might be possible to maybe somehow perhaps get around them at some point through some unspecified method. That doesn't change the basic fact that banworthy cards deserve to be banned.


p.s.: gyzarus is out of discussion here... and think' date=' why to ban a card from a deck that has lost its magnificence??



Banworthy cards deserve to be banned regardless of whether or not other even-more banworthy cards are currently overshadowing them. Treeborn Frog isn't "balanced" now; he's just being outshined by the LOL I TURBO AND NUKE INSTANT WIN BUTTON cards.


At least at locals we wont get this stupid amount. Anyway goes back to the days of glad domination.


And this brings me to my wish list for the emergency bans. Assuming we can have five bans' date=' here's what I suggest:


1. [b']Ban Dark Armed Dragon.[/b] I refuse to explain this move. Figure it out yourself.


2. Ban Crush Card Virus. I refuse to explain this move. Figure it out yourself.


3. Ban Gladiator Beast Gyzarus. He's still as broken as he ever was, and we don't want the meta snapping back to turbo-Glads.


4. Ban Judgment Dragoon. He's still as broken as he ever was, and is capable (as this SJC shows) of actually surviving in a Tele-DAD format. Keeping him around for when Zombie Carrier gets released would be a bad idea.


5. Ban Breaker the Magical Warrior. He's still as broken as he ever was, and you'll note he is present in Tele-DAD - at this last SJC, he was mained in 9 decks and sided in 2 more. Getting rid of him makes anti-meta strategies like Royal Oppression more feasible; he, along with all the field-nukers around nowadays, is a large part of the reason that such cards are no longer at all viable. (Lyla still exists, but she isn't as splashable and isn't banworthy.)


Now, why did I bring up the meta in deciding which cards to ban when I have explicitly stated in the past that the meta should have no bearing on such matters? It's because that philosophy is to be used only with unlimited changes available, as things should be. With emergency bans, however, only a handful of changes can be made, so after using the meta-ignoring strategy to decide which cards are banworthy, we must actually take a glance at the meta to decide which of those cards should be banned most urgently.

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I never said ETele should be banned, but it is what has made TeleDAD what it is. Without it or with limited use of it, TeleDAD would be much less. My friend has a TeleDAD deck but only has one ETele, and he has a much harder time Synchro Summoning.

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Guest PikaPerson01

crab' date=' i agree, banworthy cards must be banned... but if you check every time is the same with those people, instead saying "ban the problem" they say "ban 10 cards to stop 1 deck"... ridiculous...



And what if these "ten cards" are the problem? <_<

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crab' date=' i agree, banworthy cards must be banned... but if you check every time is the same with those people, instead saying "ban the problem" they say "ban 10 cards to stop 1 deck"... ridiculous...



To say that ten cards should be banned in order to stop a deck is a logical fallacy.


To say that one card should be banned in order to stop a deck is a logical fallacy.


Nevertheless, that one card, or even those ten cards, may still be banworthy.

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and what if 9 of those 10 cards are just good supports' date=' not broken?? are they still banworthy??



If they are not banworthy, then they are not banworthy. If they are banworthy, then they are banworthy.


Supporting the current best deck proves neither banworthiness nor a lack of banworthiness.

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