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dark world monarchs


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i made this deck on wc 08 it worked really well... if only cosr were at 3 still... oh well i will just have to change the deck around a bit.



3x gold

3x silva

3x broww

2x beigge

1x raiza

3x caius

2x thesty

1x mj



3x allure

2x cosr

3x dwd

2x instant fusion

1x monster reborn

1x brain

1x lightning

2x dw lightning

1x mst

1x heavy storm

1x card destruction



3x solemn

2x pwwb



2x ojama knight

2x sdd

2x goyo

2x red dragon

2x thought ruler

1x magical android

1x fighter

1x parshath

1x colossal fighter

1x fusionist


i feel like im missing a staple card or two...

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Swap out Heavy Storm for Giant Trunade' date=' I doubt You want to blow up your own CoSR. You could side Heavy.


An extra deck, with Instant Fusion in the main deck and no tuners is really pro....



the deck doesnt run on synchros i just have them in my extra deck so i can mr or brain a tuner


i did think about the heavy storm vs giant trunade thing though. i will try them both out


i was thinking about running psychics and teleports also, i just need to take stuff out.

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