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5Ds Japanese/Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread

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Yes if you minus Demak and add Bomber' date=' that's still 5v5. Although I can't fathom why Bomber would let himself be killed and become a Dark Signer, then again he doesn't have much to lose since his family and village were destroyed by Godwin.



My only question is how Bommer will get killed. Yes, he doesn't have anything left. Yes, he has the reason to kill the Signers.

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Yes but the Signers weren't there' date=' nor were their powers awakened. It was just Godwin's attempt to summon the Dragon.


Rudger or Misty or Demak will just use their mind tricks to make Bommer work for them instead & do what they want.

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[spoiler=49 Thoughts]

- I like how the Minus World works

- Funky music for the return of the duel

- And Power Tool 'protecting' reminds me of when Stardust did the same.

- God the odd moment you cut the tension with a knife.

- The pain keeps coming for Rua....



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