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5Ds Japanese/Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread

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But the same situation was with Draco-Equiste. He appeared only for few minutes, yet he was cover of DREV. Seriously, Halberd Cannon or Blade Blaster should be a cover...


at least Draco-equiste won yusei the duel... Berserker had its attack negated and was destroyed by Blade Gunner the next turn. Which was also another better candidate than Berserker


If Junk Berseker doesn't somehow get revived and win the duel in the next episode, I'm going to be sad faced

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Actually, they should have died just from being so close to a sun that it looked like, you know, a giant flaming ball of fire rather than a tiny spot in the far sky. And especially when those Flamethrowers solar flares leapt up to them, yeah, there should have been no surviving that.


Then again, maybe the whole thing is an illusion of sorts, and Yusei beats Bruno Antimony Antinomy and after a few episodes he just rides out of the black hole and is like 'lulz k I'm here and I believe in nexus'.


Or, maybe the whole thing isn't an illusion, and Yusei beats Bruno Antimony Antinomy and after a few episodes he still just rides out of the black hole and is like 'lulz k I'm here and I believe in nexus'.


I can't even tell which would be more lulzworthy terrible.

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