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5Ds Japanese/Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread

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CardMaster, that's why the Arc Cradle is supposed to do. That could of been a method to keep Aporia's selves inline, after all Placido had been playing his own way.

I like Aporia's revelation that he was driven by Hope.


~ Epic Hero - Saber ~ they can't kill a character off can they lol.

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After Janime's translator cleared the pick up a bit.



Earth/Dragon - Synchro/8/2900/2400

1 Tuner + "Power Tool Dragon"

When this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, set a player with Life Points of 2000 or lower to 2000. If this card is face-up, all damage becomes 0. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Tuner from your deck. The effect(s) of the monster Special Summoned by this effect are negated and cannot attack.

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Summoning Requirement for Shooting Star Dragon, that says it all.


Burning Soul can be done in a Ground Duel, Clear Mind can't. Each of the others had Field Magic cards, which could not be used in a Riding Duel, because Speed World/Speed World II, would take precedence.

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