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5Ds Japanese/Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread

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Not this soon. Epic please use the spoiler code instead you can post the links if you want.


No, I meant because the - then early - link came from some extremely picky guys (we all know who I'm talking about =/), I'm not certain if it was meant for general public availability. And either way, it should be up on youtube by now.


Who will win, it's possible one of the team will lose and the other will beat Sherry, but since it's Battle Royale I can't see it turning into an epic "I USE MY FRIEND'S CARD TO CREATE SUPER-SPECIAL-AWESOME COMBO OF FRIENDSHIP!" scenario, most probably the loser's contribution will be buying time or some other semi-tangible advantage. Whatever the case, I just hope Aki doesn't get the short end of the stick AGAIN. Then again Crow's losing to get Aki to win will be filled with so much heroism and self-sacrifice it might be even worse.


I'd like Sherry to win but I don't think that will happen. I think some sort of tie between the three is a plausible scenario. It'd be downplaying Sherry too much right after she was kicked back into the action if they won just like that. I'm rather curious about possible new cards, it's pretty much confirmed we won't see the Savior incarnations of the two Signer Dragons this time around (most likely we won't see them at all, considering the series is ending), but it'd be a huge disappointment if they didn't give Aki something at least. Meh.

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Aki gets really gimped again.


[spoiler=Summary]Sherry activates Z-ONE, retrieving Soul Binding Gate and activating it while preventing its destruction. Aki summons a monster but, since its attack power is lower than Sherry's Life Points, it is destroyed and everyone takes 800 damage. They also notice that the gate does *GASP* real damage. Sherry takes her turn and summons a monster just to destroy it and bring out Time-flower Sorceress (self-invented name since I cba with the french one). Aki is on the verge of losing from Soul-Binding Gate's damage, but Crow's Chaos Life saves her. In return Aki protects Crow with her own Trap (should be noted that for the first time, Aki uses a LIGHT attribute Fairy monster, and a LIGHT support card. Contrived duels are contrived >_>). Subsequently Aki summons Blue Rose and has it destroyed by the Gate, reviving Black Rose Dragon. Crow pulls another new Tuner out of nowhere that somehow gets the attack of a Synchro monster on the field, and upgrades its level, then tunes it with everyone's favorite BF to bring out Blackfeather Dragon. Aki uses a card that adds Black Rose's attack to Blackfeather's and... they win. That's it. Sherry gets all emo and just as everyone is about to die from Gate's damage AKI HAS MAGICAL POWERS AGAIN AND BLACK ROSE DRAGON CASTS HEAL-ALL. Wut.


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Plastic Tree - Mirari Iro Download

(5Ds ED5)


Waiting for a better rip for Road To Tomorrow.


142 Preview Summary: (Source: Janime Translating/BBS Raw)

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's "A Life-or-Death Battle! [Divine Imperial Machine Dragon/Kikoushinryuu] Asterisk" (Episode 142)

1/5/11 (Wednesday) evening at 6:00-6:30.

Because of himself, his friends have collapsed... As Rua stands still dumbfounded, Aporia continues his heartless attacks and deals him further despair. To protect his friends, Rua becomes grievously determined...



It's Jack, Rua, and Ruka VS Aporia! Rua was eager to try and protect his friends, but his offensive turns out to backfire, and instead ends up dealing a lot of damage to Jack and Ruka. Rua then stands dumbfounded before his collapsed friends. Aporia heartlessly summons another monster, Divine Imperial Machine Dragon Asterisk, and launches an attack right away. The three are driven into a predicament. In the midst of all that, Rua becomes determined to try making himself their shield, but...

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