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5Ds Japanese/Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread

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Jaeger is most likely going to be seen "with his so called wife and son" in 114. I just wish Sherry and McGiver aka James Bond aka Mizoguchi would make more episodes.


on a side note, will Jack even be able to use Scar Red Nova Dragon to its full power? he's only got 5 or so tuners. while Yusei has *deep breath* Junk Synchron, Nitro Synchron, Turbo Synchron, Hyper Synchron, Quick Synchron, Road Synchron, Formula Synchron, Change Synchron, Explorer Synchron, Drill Sycnhron, Hatsune Miku aka Effect Veiler, Saivor Dragon, and Debris Dragon. *phew*


I know this sounds crazy but, I predict Yusei and Jack tag duel against Jaeger and "his so called wife". so we may see more of those dumb Jester cards.

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I know this sounds nutty but, what if Zone ( the comma thing ) is a sealed form of the 5th dragon and Z-ONE is a support card for the 5th dragon. like how Stardust has Staright road, and Black Rose Dragon has Thorn of Malice. the origanal owner of the 5th dragon ws Rudger, who cut off his arm when he became a dark signer, Goodwin took his arm and became the owner of the 5th dragon. when Goodwin became a dark signer, the 5th dragon became the king of the underworld. after Goodwin dies, the 5th dragon's card was lost.


OR, Yiliaster is using the Machine Empirors to capture the signer dragons. once they have them, the circut will be complete, leading them to Zone. to back up my 2nd theory, Jose said that they need the powers of the signers to complete the circut.

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There was this fake spoiler that Crow would Accel Synchro in his duel with Jaeger. I was like' date=' wut.



The powers that provide Accel Synchro are Zone of the Future, Crimson Devil of the Past and Gay Clown of the Present?


Wut indeed.

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If the revealed summoning requirements of I PWN UR FACE Nova Dragon are accurate, which they seem to be, the thing isn't actually an Accel Synchro, which I'm thankful for, because an Accel Synchro born from an Earthbound Immortal of all things would make absolutely no sense, and it's better than just having Jack follow Yusei's steps exactly like some sort of clockwork anyway.


Yes, Crow should Accel Synchro, or something relevant anyway, but not in a duel against Jaeger, that would be impossibly lame.

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Sentaq has 2/3 parts of 113 raw, and a preview for 114.


[spoiler=Opinions so far]

If that's going to be RDA's new standard summon animation, I don't mind if Jack ever summons anything else.

The Crimson Devil is disappoint.

Old!WingsSigner looks awesome.

Yomi seems like a crazy decktype.


Episode 114 shows Jeager's family. AND THEY'RE TALKING. ON-SCREEN AND ALL. HALLELUJAH.



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So Yusei has a "Clear Mind"

and Jack has a "Burning Soul"


Are the other Signers going to get anything? We all know that, if only one does, it will probably be Crow.

Ruka and Aki should be treated better. I mean, now that Aki seems to have lost her powers and her badassness, she's just another boring character. Ruka's true potential is probably held back by Rua (since they seem to always do everything together).


I guess Stardust Dragon and Red Daemon's Dragon are the only ones who get the special upgrades (/Buster, Savior, and now non-Savior Synchro upgrades). Did I miss any?

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