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5Ds Japanese/Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread

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wow you all know alot ive been to this site before it gives you info on all yugioh charectores yugioh 5ds yu gi oh gx yu gioh ill probally wach sub but only wached dub i found a site on the yugioh carectores and yugioh yugioh gx and yugiho 5ds

sorry for repiting myself did not erad what i had wrote

I'll wait for the sub as I have been doing recently' date=' however I believe Rex originally intended to stop the Dark Signers, but realized how utterly pointless it would be and thus resolved to become the Ultimate God.




wow rex really anoyes me sometimes doing things like that

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Ok... That's it... What if that guy who confronted Yusei gives him another Effect Monater trump card? An Effect Monster version of Stardust?


Maybe he gives Yusei a Ritual Monster and an appropriate Ritual Spell.

Although I think there's no way Yusei can win without using his Synchros, the writers will find a way for Yusei to win. Either that or he gets a Fusion and/or Ritual monster(s) and wins with those. If he always wins by a fusion monster, though, then he'll start to look like Jaden.

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Yusei is already looking to much like Jaden to me. Remember Jaden in season 3 getting to scared to use his Fusion Monsters? Not for the same reason as Yusei now but they both couldn't/can't really win with out using there Ace Type of cards. I said he might leave Jack and Crow because of Sherry being in the nightmare he had about dueling Ghost, she was his hope and she could easily defeat that Gundam monster with her Fusion monster.

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By gundam do you mean Wisel?


I really don't think Yusei will leave Crow and Jack but instead, Sherry will help and work with the 3 signers... And also, Aki will join Sherry's team so she can help as well.


Let's see Team Unicorn duel!! The leader has a unicorn hairstyle

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I remember Judai having a fear for using Fusions' date=' but when did that start and end?


Placido was about the only decent part of the episode, really.


I can't give you the episode numbers but it started when he got back from being the Supreme King and it ended after seing Zane duel until the guy died.

By gundam do you mean Wisel?


I really don't think Yusei will leave Crow and Jack but instead' date=' Sherry will help and work with the 3 signers... And also, Aki will join Sherry's team so she can help as well.


Let's see Team Unicorn duel!! The leader has a unicorn hairstyle


Yes I ment Wisel


Team Unicorn, are they all using Fairies or something? Mabey Ruca should join there team, after all she does have Sunlight Unicorn and the Horn of the Unicorn

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